
5 Simple Habits Changes to Have a Great Year

The end of a year into the start of another is sometimes weird. It starts out with the excitement around Christmas and everyone is giddy and excited. Then, Christmas comes and the period between Christmas is oftentimes a blur. You do not know what day it is and you are subconsciously just waiting for the new year to start.

It is the year where you finally get to do better at school or stay fit or get married… It is that year. Then, January 1st happens and everyone is in high spirits. All of a sudden, It’s January 2nd! Holidays are over and work begins again. A lot of people are unable to keep up with their new year resolutions because of their expectations for the new year. Success also isn’t always embedded in one big change. It is often times an aggregate of seemingly small habits that yields excellence

The truth is there is nothing mystical or new about a new year. It is really just another day and at best, a change in date. What makes a difference is what you do with the new year. Share on X

5 Simple Habits Changes to Have a Great Year

1. Have a fixed prayer schedule, preferably in the morning.

This may sound simple and cliche but it makes a world of difference. Many of us already know to pray and why we need to pray. The question now is do you really pray? Do you have a fixed prayer time?

Many of us already know to pray and why we need to pray. The question now is do you really pray? Do you have a fixed prayer time? Share on X

Life gets really busy and even though you mutter a ‘thank you God’ as you jump off your bed, it is not difficult to go through the day without prayer. It is best to have a set time on your calendar for prayers. Different strokes for different folks but mornings are a great choice, just before the day gets busy. Jesus our example often went away in the mornings to communicate with God. It is super helpful.

It is best to have a set time on your calendar for prayers. Share on X

2. Mind your business.

Now I am not trying to throw shades or anything like that. But minus the fact that it is a biblical instruction (1 Thessalonians 4:11), we spend so much time and energy on matters that do not concern us. Imagine channelling that energy to yourself. So you can have an accountability partner that’d stop you in your tracks when you are not minding your business

3. Plan your day before it begins.

When you fail to plan your day, you do not have a right to complain about how your day unfolds... Share on X

Life is measured in terms of time. So literally how you spend your time is how you spend your life. God expects for us to be faithful stewards of life (time) He has given us. This is why it is important we plan the day.

Luke 14:28 says: “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?” This means you shouldn’t be vague about how you want to achieve anything… You should plan adequately.

Taking 5 minutes before you leave the house to draw a draft of how you would your day makes a world of difference... Share on X

4. Drink more water.

Honestly, dehydration makes you hungry and cranky. Drinking more water would help keep you concentrated and less distracted. You can make it fun by having slices of cucumber or lime in your water bottles.

Dehydration makes you hungry and cranky. Drinking more water would help keep you concentrated and less distracted. Share on X

5. Practice being present.

Technology is amazing and we thank God for it because it’s made our lives easier. But if you do an audit of how you spend on your phone, you would be surprised. You can have set small rules like when you’re meeting with someone, you put away your phone. Or when you’re at a task (school, work or even home), you focus on that task and not try to multitask. Okay, I agree. Maybe this is a not-so-simple habit change but it would make you a more effective person.

In conclusion, remember its the small habits that make or mar a man. Therefore, while working to not overwhelm yourself with many changes (because it’s counterproductive), do well to pay attention to simple habits changes such as these above. The results they bring altogether are incredible.

Read next;

Goal setting and Planning the Bible Way


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