My cab driver had a call behind the wheel yesterday and I guess in reply to the question “where are you”, he replied, “One of my children gave birth and I am presently at the naming ceremony”, and he turned back to us sitting at the back and said, “Lying is not an easy thing, but who wants trouble” and he laughed.
This reminded me of the time I was much younger when my parents will tell me that if a particular person comes visiting, I should tell the person that they are not in or asleep, I am sure we must have found ourselves in a similar situation.
Lastly, I remember the case of one of my students who tells a lie, makes me believe the lie just to later tell me that it was a lie, in order to make a joke out of it, when I insist that it was still a lie, he makes a clear distinction between a joke and a lie, one is to deceive you the other to amuse you, though they are both not true.
Does it really matter altogether? They all seem harmless enough, right? What is the harm of a little amusement, or a lie for an escape from trouble? I sincerely don’t have an answer, but one thing that I am convinced about it, talking to Christians now, “We can’t claim to be Christians and still be the same like the world, live like the world, not be different from the world”. If I am a Christian and I am not different from my friends that are not, does that make me non-Christian or does it make them Christians? I think that is really worth thinking over.
I have personally come to believe that the Christian life is like a drive against the traffic. Here, the traffic is the world and all her systems, principles and cultures. We know, like Jesus said, “We are in the world, but not of the world”. And driving against traffic isn’t smooth at all, especially a traffic as congested as this world. The implication of this is that, if your opinions and decisions are not clashing with what is normal or obtainable in this world’s system, you might not be driving against traffic, but along with the traffic. The world has her opinions on what is wrong or write, on whether to legalize abortion, gay marriage, marijuana, what is right to wear, or do… but heaven has hers too, plainly expressed in the bible.
I believe this is the reason for an encouragement like this through Paul, “Since you were brought back to life with Christ, focus on the things that are above… Keep your mind on things above, not on worldly things”, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but be a new and different person with a fresh newness in all you do and think”.
Momma praying for me
Grandma praying for me
Satan preying on me
Jesus waiting on me
‘Cause I’ve been straddling the fence it’s time to make decisions
I’ve been thinking about Heaven lately, don’t think I’ll get in
‘Cause I’ve been going back and forth I love the way I’m living
But I hate it at the same time ’cause I know I’m sinning!
And I don’t want to be like them hypocritical Christians
So I stay away from Jesus completely ’till I’m ready to give Him
Everything, but that seems like it’ll never happen
My girl coming over later, you know what’s about to happen
Then after some smashing I’m sitting there asking
If eternity in Hell is worth some moments of this satisfaction
Man I’m so back and forth!
What will be your decision? Drive along the traffic at the risk of your soul or take the risk and face the world and live against it at the risk or criticism, persecution and desertion? Those worlds above is a verse from Andy Mineo’s rap track “TUG OF WAR”, isn’t that what this Christian journey here on earth is like?
(Put into consideration the repercussions)
Please, don’t let this article be “just another of those posts”,
- Make a decision.
- Pray; ask God for his grace to help
- Share your decision with someone who can pray for you, encourage you and hold you accountable
- Share your decision(s) here likewise as comment, it might encourage someone.
Thank you for reading, I am grateful 🙂
Thank you for reading, I’ll love to hear from you, kindly leave a comment below.
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I have caught myself a time or two lying in the last one month
I was’t afraid, just stressed out I wanted to get the person out of my hair
so I lied.
I asked God to forgive me like about 30 minutes after
that was when I remembered that I lied.