Is there room for equality in Christianity? Does God create men and women: different and unequal? Different and equal? How does this manifest in marriage partnerships and other cultural activities?
We are one in Christ Jesus. No Jew or Gentile, no male or female. Gal 3:28.
However, when it comes to marriage, God, a God of order, designed the order. For the marriage institution to work, there has to be order; not because anyone is better. It’s just like someone isn’t less of a man than Buhari, but because he is the President, he has to be afforded the honour of a head even if he were a woman. For things to run properly, there has to be a head. As Christ is our head and we joint-heirs with him. He is still Lord. If there is no head/leader, there will be chaos.
For the marriage institution to work, there has to be order; not because anyone is better. It’s just like someone isn’t less of a man than Buhari, but because he is the President, he has to be afforded the honour of a head even if… Share on XIn God’s eyes, it’s a thing of nature, not gender. You are either a man under Adam or a man in Christ- first or second Adam.
It doesn’t mean they are not equals or that the woman is subject. Don’t forget, marriage isn’t a quest for who is more important. It’s two people giving their 100% to making it work. Husbands loving 100%, Wives submitting 100%, both loving and submitting to each other 100% as unto the Lord.
Marriage isn’t a quest for who is more important. It’s two people giving their 100% to making it work. Husbands loving 100%, Wives submitting 100%, both loving and submitting to each other 100% as unto the Lord. Share on XHowever, the context for this is marriage. Not in all area of life as some people think. I’ve actually had an experience of a guy not submitting to me because “the woman is supposed to submit to the man”. I was the leader chosen over that jurisdiction! He was my assistant and he would literally usurp authority and make important decisions without my consent. Like, what’s wrong with you bro?
Col 3:18 – Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.
So, in order to wrap this up, I will quote Gal 3:28 again, “We are one in Christ Jesus. No Jew or Gentile, no male or female. . there is no gender preference in Christ.”
Though different and diverse, we are all equal in the eyes of our father; children bought back with the blood of His son. Understood?
There is no gender preference in Christ. Though different and diverse, we are all equal in the eyes of our father; children bought back with the blood of His son. Share on XPlease read also; If God Made Man In His Image, Is God Male or Female?
I liked this. This is perfectly accurate about the scriptural understanding of the role of a man and woman in marriage and in God..But ironically true feminism was never in antagonism with this. Feminism when it started was about economic and social rights. These rights include equity in pay,job opportunities and voting rights. It was never a war against the christian institutional rights of the husband and wife in marriage. But feminist extremists who sadly have the loudest voice have made this movement what it is not, a hate war against Men, it was never this.
This is lovely! God SEES us EQUALLY.
Furthermore, He TREATS us with EQUITY.
God doesn’t consider our race or sex for anything at all, however I think He gives only His love and salvation EQUALLY.
Does He give us equal riches, equal promotions or equal cautions or reprimands? I don’t think so. He does so as He desires and as we deserve in every ‘situation’.
What does this mean for us? It means we should not consider race or sex when educating, giving jobs, promoting, paying, cautioning, advising,etc. But then we should consider the ‘situation’, the factors affecting such things.
For instance, Not all Bible saints were EQUALLY as rich as Abraham, and not all suffered like Apostle Paul. Not all apostles were rebuked like Peter. However, God didn’t do this based on sex or race.
For us today, we cannot all have the same things EQUALLY, but the chance/rights to having those things shouldn’t be determined by race or sex. We shouldn’t just say EQUAL 50% of political posts for men and women, rather we should say political posts should be determined by the ‘situation’ of elections. A male or female should be president not on account of gender equality but because he/she is best for it.
The environmental ‘situation’ may also influence pay. In the same company and at the same level, males should be paid the same as females. But when situations differ, e.g a female sports analyst in CNN may earn more than a male sport analyst in a local state station in Nigeria. Situations differ. However, a female sports analyst at that same local station and at the same level ought to earn same as the male.
I believe God’s idea is that race or sex should never be the determining/influencing factors to our daily opportunities/lifestyle. We should SEE each other as equals and then sort out our diverse “situations”, sort out all other influencing factors, and treat ourselves in EQUITY.
Sorry this is long
p.s: I love your blog! Well done!
In God’s eyes, it’s a thing of nature, not gender. You are either a man under Adam or a man in Christ- first or second Adam.
Submission is in marriage, it’s a different institution and God has given his opinion and commandment.
I really would love to see a post on submission though, I want to know -what does this submission really mean ?
Very enlightening !
We are all equal in the Estes of ABBA