What makes a man attractive?
A lot of attributes have been associated with an attractive man. Is it his character? Certainly, his physique? It varies but sure plays its part or even his income which in some cases may be true. Yet even according to studies his height also has been proven to also influence his attractiveness to the opposite sex (especially short girls). But, what about clothes?
“Clothes they say makes the man, naked people have little or no influence in the society”
The simple truth is that you can’t attract who you don’t influence and in the next few paragraphs I will explain how you can use your outfits to increase your attractiveness.
Take a minute to think about this;
Looking from his feet up, you notice a man in a well-polished pair of shoes underneath a neatly layered bespoke suit and a nice watch – if you were to guess, what character qualities will you associate to him? What kind of man who you say he is?
What about another with a pair of oversized tees on ill fitted baggy shorts with flip-flops? Will your first impression about him be the same as the first?
Let’s be sincere – it will be dissimilar.
Studies have shown that the three character qualities that are attractive to the opposite sex are Dominance (power and strength), Leadership (courage to stand out and lead), and Resourcefulness (class and status). All three are masculine qualities that must be at the fore-front of your mind when picking outfits.
Now that we have these basic understanding, here are tips on how we can put them in practice.
#1. Always emphasize your physique by using tops.
By tops I mean your tees, shirts, sweaters, and vest. If you are skinny, you will look most attractive if you wear at least two layers of tops, i.e a shirt and a vest, or a shirt and a tee. If you are chubby, avoid tops that will leave extra loose fabric around your upper torso. These will only emphasize your bulkiness. V-necks are great and very attractive on muscular men. Beyond the cuts, the colours of our tops are extremely important too.
#2. Define your style and influence your image with the right jacket.
Your outer wear always have the final say on your overall outfit. A buttoned shirt + dress pants + blazer and a tee + jeans + biker jacket, though both very attractive mean two different styles. Who you want to attract should influence the type of image you want to convey through your outfits. That said, bright jackets might be difficult to pull off, so stick to the neutral ones.
#3. Levitation is possible with the right shoes.
One of the greatest put offs (attractiveness killer) are wrongly matched shoes. Say no to sandals and flip-flops except you are at the beach. Usually, if you are wearing a blazer, stick to dressier shoes like Balmoral, Gibson or loafers. Studies show that boots are a great way to look taller. Finally take good care of your shoes, no matter how beautiful the design is, if they look uncared for, you will lose attractiveness points.
We will never be everyone’s favourite/type, some will find us more attractive by our style and others won’t- It’s perfectly fine. The goal is to express your image through your style and you will find yourself attractive to those with similar values and interest.
Remember, Eminence is Attainable!!!
I look forward to helping you.
Yours truly,
Gabriel Adewale Balogun
Image Consultant | Fashion Designer | Personal Shopper.
WatsApp: 08146421953
MAKE SURE IT FITS – A General Fit Guide for Men’s Fashion
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Great stuff Gabriel! <3