I was recently in a discussion with a friend who thinks compliments like “”You are my world“, “I love you with all my life“, “I can’t live without you”, “You are my end and beginning” (taking a cue from John Legend)”” are too extreme for a relationship, i.e. to a boyfriend or girlfriend.
She was of the opinion that only God deserve such compliments and if it should be used at all, maybe only in marriage.
What do you think? Do you share the same opinion with her? Or will you like to use those compliments for your love and would like if they do same for you?
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I agree with her. I think it just bothers on saying the truth & being careful about the place we give any particular person in our lives…is it true that u ‘can’t live without him/her?”…i think not. Should another human be ur ‘beginning & end?”…i think not too.
Hmm…so they are exaggerated compliments or otherwise put, lies? What of in the case of Marriage, you are to love them like Christ loved the church…So? Shouldn’t your partner be above everyone else? Definitely except God.
I love compliments. It’s natural to love them & I’m a lady 😉 but being God fearing just teaches u to say the truth-even when giving compliments. For couples there are loads of ways to honestly compliment ur partner/spouse without telling a lie. Trust me, thoughtful, well worded and true compliments are a lot better than colourful exaggerations #MyOpinion
Some compliments are just plain lies- and we know them! There’s no point being overly dramatic with the ‘soft words’….beginning ko, ending ni. …Totally agree with your friend Tee.
Hmm…so they are exaggerated compliments or otherwise put, lies? What of in the case of Marriage, you are to love them like Christ loved the church…So? Shouldn’t your partner be above everyone else? Definitely except God.
yea I share her opinion. we all know these compliments are not real and though they may not be said with the intention to deceive but people don’t really mean them when they say such(even if they think they do). for me I don’t want a partner who cannot live without me. lol
But don’t you think there’ll be few exceptions?…1 out of every 1 million will still leave us with 7000.
Spot on…. People think they mean things and you really can’t blame them when they don’t meet up to their promises because they really weren’t trying to lie, they just weren’t sincere with themselves.
I believe that the truth should always be told, but in very attractive ways. For example saying she’s the most important human being in your life, can be true. And I don’t think it’s ever right to put a human being in God’s spot in your life. You dishonour God, devalue yourself and lie to your lover. Just be honest in a romantic way. At worst be diplomatic
Lool…nice comment. 😀 Thank Ebuka
We would see LOVE. We would learn LOVE. We would know LOVE. We would appreciate LOVE. God is bigger than most of our minds, we think him little though. Anyways, I do not share the same opinion with her.
Finally…but i’ll really appreciate if you explain further, you seem to be alone here (maybe apart from me) with a different view as hers.
LOL. Most comments on this topic are from a view point of every man’s personal understanding of God. Apparently, I’m speaking from a different perspective, and for this perspective to be very well understood, there would be need for a change of basis.
Anyways, LOVE is birth from equality, God loves us because He sees us as His equal, we are His equal because we are formed out of Him. Okay… That’s the basis of my view point. Understanding this kind of God-love, I don’t think those words when said would be lies. Those statements made above is a kind the Son would tell the Father and the Father would tell the Son, it is birth out of a beautiful understanding. This is the relationship every human is wired to imitate.
Well, I wouldn’t like to bore you… I trust that every man would come to KNOW, UNDERSTAND and REST when they indeed see God’s love, and we would indeed live it out in our relationships here on earth, knowing our Father isn’t insecure – ’cause He remains our SOURCE.
I totally agree with Kasali! God is not insecure.love is powerful,love is creative, love is vulnerable. When I tell my partner u re my king, no one can take your place in my heart. it is not an exaggerated lie, it just finding words to express the depth of my love. That doesn’t mean i have pushed God out ofthe picture.infact He is the anchor man in our relationship. Singifeoma, in marriage,your partner is actually your beginning and end, until death does the separation. Yoruba’s will say olowo ori me meaning “the owner of my head” lol! Your husband owns you and you own him too-the body, God owns you both- the spirit!
Please note that when you start placing restrictions on how to compliment your man or lady, you are leaving a vacant space for someone out there to tell them those exaggerated lies, and you find out that your partner is blushing, and then it goes out of hand. Why? because you were being religious with your compliments. Selah!
I totally Agree 😀
Shouldn’t we even consider including God in the same “Compliment set” with your partner a huge disrespect. God is in the class of His own, and thus should your love and awe of him, that putting ur partner or another thing a second to him will be belittling His person.
Could it be that putting our partner next to God is the reason we try to rationalise which compliment could be extreme for him/her, God is not threatened by your love that is ready to “catch a grenade for her”, remember He instructed you to lover her like Christ loved the church and Christ did exactly just that, caught a grenade for her.
Saying she is your end and beginning does not make God second, He can’t be subjected to that classification.
Take this for an illustration. In trying to classify which animal is the strongest in the jungle, God isn’t another animal out there, He created and owns all those animals and gave them those ability you are trying to classify them with. So saying the Elephant is the strongest does not threaten God, it glorifies Him, cos He created the elephant and its strength.
Chill…..how did she get to know what God deserves?!!
To me those stuffs are old school ,how can i say someone is my beginning and end for God sakes is she mom,or my dad or even my God i can never say that to me if i should say that to you being a lady u should know surely that i’m lyin,i can’t eat without you,i can’t live without you come of it, it’s old school and its also a lie, God knows i can and will never tell a lady that
I kinda have been catching fun reading the many comments. I agree that some compliments are extreme and caution should be implemented when complimenting anybody. I am of a strong opinion that we can compliment people without having to obviously lie. Besides, there is no one tailor-made spouse for anybody. For instance, even if God shows you that a person is your wife as a man and you approach her and she says “No Way”,does that mean you won’t get married to someone else? There is no ine without you can’t live, or eat or sleep. Let’s face facts abd remember that whatever we say will be accounted for.
Exaggerating makes no good for the couples. You tell her how wonderful she is, the most, the best, all the possible “st” in your life!.. And the day after you observe her flirting with some other guy, however you haven’t broaken up yet… Ok, you think, that’s me who to blame. And the situation recurs to the next relationship. Change it, don’t be lazy, don’t be afraid to be fair! For expertising your skills and finding a perfect match go to MyMagicBrides and be happy! Good luck!)
In most cases….that person you can’t live without is the person you’re best without.What makes you think you’ll end up with the person in the first place. We view things on the surface whereas there’s more to it than we think.
I have no problems with those words being used on my lover.
The simple reason I do so is I LOVE HER.
And if I do love her, She ought to get such complements from me.
Well, in addition to my already made comment, I’d say that it also depends on the context. I can say to her “You’re my end and my beginning”, because in the context, she’s the only one that I love romantically, and NONE else. So I’d say such whenever I want to.
Well, the safest place to be in to say such is to be in a place of Jesus consciousness.
In that place, I wouldn’t even unconsciously give her the meanings you give to Jesus. When I relate with her, it’d be just ROMANTIC magana…
Ah.. I did support some of these kinds of compliments in lieu of context as my brother said…