
Choice of a Marriage Partner: God’s Role or Man’s Will?

When a Christian says, “I’m waiting for God’s timing” or “I’m waiting for God to send my partner,” are they excusing their role to play in their choice of a marriage partner? Or are they just saying it as a matter of fact?  This was a discussion LifeGiva writers had in recent times, and we thought to share with you, our esteemed readers.

“There’s no over-spiritualising anything. We have the Spirit of God. Yes, we have a choice, so we should keep choosing to follow the leading of the Spirit,” Favour said.

When a Christian says, “I’m waiting for God’s timing” or “I’m waiting for God to send my partner,” are they excusing their role to play in their choice of a marriage partner? Or are they just saying it as a matter of fact?  Click To Tweet

Moyo said that marriage is a choice. However, the believer should make all choices in light of consecration to the will of God. He also noted that most people who speak Christianese like, “God’s timing”, “I’m waiting for God to send the right one along”, say so because they don’t have better expressions. In essence, they’re just saying they want to do it the right way.

Tolu said, “I don’t rule out God’s involvement in the process. God invented marriage. And marrying someone is placing a bet on their future; I’m sorry, you can’t know what lies in someone’s future. You don’t know if the person will become something else under different life’s circumstances. Of course, you can predict based on their faith, work with God, character and personalities, but you can’t know totally. So you can’t rule out God.”

Marriage is a choice. However, the believer should make all choices in light of consecration to the will of God. Click To Tweet

He added that people wait in their house, expecting God to bring their partner to them. You have to desire it, and look the part, play the role. Hang out with people, build social and relational skills, become self aware.

Don't rule out God’s involvement in the process of choosing a marriage partner. God invented marriage. But you need to know marrying someone is placing a bet on their future. Click To Tweet

Apparently, there’s more to say about the topic so we would like to hear your thoughts in the comments below. Looking forward to reading them!

Also, you can consider reading “Searching For A Relationship? Do Not Do These 5 Things!

Compiled by Durojaiye Oluwatamilore

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