Take note of what I’m about to say very carefully, you might need to write it down in your diary or journal, print it out and paste it in your constant gaze.
Christianity/our spiritual walk is a call into a finished (perfected) work, where all you need to be fulfilled and fully satisfied and also carry out a fruitful and stress-free walk is fully supplied.
Before Jesus gave up the ghost on the cross, while fulfilling the right that gave us the adoption of son-ship with God, He said “it is finished”. The word finished in this context means “to end, complete, execute, conclude, discharge, done. He said the price for our life of bondage to the devil and the elements of this world, to sickness, lack…has been fully paid for. His work of liberation and translation into glory was fully accomplished; DONE!
That is why Hebrews 10:12 But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God. Jesus is not working anymore, He is sitting, why? the work is done; accomplished.
This is my charge to you this morning; Accept the finish work of Christ and boast of what He accomplished for you, rather than trying to start all over again; You can never meet up or beat what He has done for you.
So am I saying there is nothing for us to do but just fold our arms, NO! But the only thing required of you to enjoy this abundance is like Paul’s advice to the Romans in Romans 6, ” 10 For by the death He died, He died to sin once for all, and the life that He lives… 11, Even so, consider yourselves also dead to sin… “Even so, just likewise, CONSIDER YOURSELF. Accept it as true. More like CASH THE CHEQUE. And that’s all.
Feel free to post your comments and as your questions.
I will like you to read two previous articles posted it is in the same line with today’s post titled YOUR BIG DEALS ARE NO DEAL AT ALL and HE DIDN’T ASK YOU TO CLIMB THE MOUNTAIN
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God bless you richly for this.