Welcome to another week and another set of DAILY CHALLENEGES.
This week;
RELATIONSHIP corner will focus on what we can learn from our partner/prospective partner’s past (not necessarily ugly past).
CAPACITY BUILDING will be helping us do those things that make for Excellence.
And BIBLE LIVING will help us to “rejoice always” as commanded in the bible.
Here is Week 2; Day 1‘s challenge.
- RELATIONSHIP: We have always been advised to leave the past behind, but I believe that there is so much we can learn from out past. And mind you, both the good and bad memories of the past.
CHALLENGE 1: Learn about your partner’s (or prospective partner) early life.
IDEAS: Ask the following questions; What was the circumstance around your birth? Why was your name given to you and what does it mean? What were you told your early years? What were your first childhood memories? and so on
- CAPACITY BUILDING : It’s one thing to know, it’s another thing to do. I will like to challenge us this week about excellence (academic, career…). Most people know what to do but they ignore what not to do.
CHALLENGE 1: Highlight the factors that has affected your past failure.
IDEAS: A lot of factors can actually lead to failure. From my personal experience, Laziness has been one of such factors that contributed to my past failure academically. There are so many other factors.
- LIVING THE WORD: Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice (Phil 4:4). Rejoice always (1 Thess 5:16). These are both commands, but we both know being “joyful always”, seems rather impracticable. But this week’s challenge will see you joyful all the way.
CHALLENGE 1: Study what the bible has to say about Joy.
IDEAS: Use a reference bible or bible search tool. Here are few; Gal 5:22, Rom 12:12, Prov 17:22, John 16:24, Psalm 30:5, Psm 16:11
Do have a beautiful day. We will love to receive feedback on these challenges and please, have your partner, friends and loved ones join you on this challenge.
New challenge will be posted every morning by 5am.
Relationship & Spirituality by: Oludapo Tolulope
Capacity Building by: Ajayi Bayo
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