A lot of people are frustrated at their jobs – believers inclusive. For some of these people, their frustration isn’t with the job itself as much as it is with the people at the job – their boss and colleagues.
If you are in this category, I am going to tell you a truth that you may not want to hear. Your issue is not that job/boss/colleague. Are they annoying? Yes. Are they unbearable? Yes. Do they actually hurt you, yes!
But here is the thing – For a man in Christ, joy is a characteristic of your personality. Gal 5:22-23 tells us about the fruit of the Spirit and joy is listed as a fruit.
For a man in Christ, joy is a characteristic of your personality. Share on X
Notice that it is joy and not happiness or excitement – meaning that it is not circumstance-based. Regardless of the situation, your joy should remain unaffected. Because it is not based on anything here.
I mean, the reason why we rejoice the way we do is because of our hope in Jesus. So when you find that your joy or disposition is affected by the things that are of here (this world), then there is a need for you to renew your mind and set your affections aright – on the things that truly matter.
1. Learn to set your affections on things above; in heaven.
That way, you are very conscious of the Hope we have in Jesus so you rejoice regardless.
2. You need to learn to see that fellow through the eyes of Jesus – the eyes of love.
Understand that this fellow is one for whom Jesus died. Whenever I have to deal with a difficult person, thinking of that person in this light kind of softens it all and I am just more understanding.
Before you leave for work every morning, make up your mind to love regardless. Make up your mind to forgive that fellow before you are even wronged. That way, it comes to you more naturally. Trust me, you may feel like a really unloving person, but in your bowels are wells of love. Why? Because you bear in you the Holy Ghost. All you need to do is remind yourself of your nature as a man in Christ and flow in it.
Again, you need to know that people are responsible for their acts. you can not entirely be in control of how someone else chooses to live his/her life. Understanding this would help you come to terms that there are indeed somethings you really cannot change.
3. Pray from your heart for this fellow.
I remember growing up when we were told to pray for our enemies. When someone abuses me in school, I’d go, “God bless you!” But if you opened my heart, this is the scripture you’d find: Rom 12:20… “Instead, “If your enemies are hungry, feed them. If they are thirsty, give them something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals of shame on their heads….”
So I would be saying God bless you because that is what I was told in Sunday school but in my heart, the reason why I am saying that prayer is so that burning coals would be heaped on that fellow’s head. Because of this, I would patiently keep taking it all… repeating the “God bless you” as many times as I can. Lol… Thank God for Jesus! And for Light, because I see Him clearly now.
When I say pray for that mean boss/colleague… I mean from your head with no ill intentions. Take it personal to pray for that fellow on a daily basis. I mean take it as a project.
4. Serve/work as though you are doing it for God.
Bondservants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh, not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but in sincerity of heart, fearing God. And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men. – Colossians 3:22-23
Like totally do not think of that fellow when working – see it as though you are serving the Lord. Take your mind off that fellow’s actions and inactions and work wholeheartedly as though it is for God. This would help you ensure you are doing your very best.
In the end, nothing should ever disturb your joy, mean boss or not because your joy is not from here – It is from our hope in Jesus.
Do feel free to share your unpleasant boss stories in the comments section. Don’t forget to like and share!
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