

Image by © Image Source/Corbis

Image by © Image Source/Corbis

Dear diary,
Today was the day it changed for me.
The events of today have already been etched in my mind;
Still I feel urged to pen it down.
Well, here’s how it started:
As dawn announced his arrival,
With his aura beaming into my room,
I jerked up from bed,
And drew a wide smile across my face.
My hopes for the day were at climax, so I got ready.
I adorned my fingers with pink beauty,
And my lips, a canvas of scarlet artistry.
My ears played host to silver rings,
Rings that danced about joyfully; reflecting sunshine;
And the noodle-like strands running down my scalp,
I made aligned with short, wide bristles.
And as my face called for attention,
I filled its dimensions with powdery radiance,
And blushed its edges with fiery passion.
With these, I was set to go.
Like a pilgrim, I embarked on my journey.
Only that it seemed like one coloured with rainbows,
Bright clouds floating around and daisies gleaming.
I guess I was in my own world.
But the sight of my friends slapped me back to reality.
Hi’s and hellos consummated with hugs were traded like playing cards,
As I elevated them all on a rostrum of flattery;
Of course, with me as the pedestal.
Letting my tongue loose from its cage,
I ranted about the three most important people to me:
Me, myself and I.
The true state of my heart was shielded by the words I spoke;
Syllables holding labels; bearing esteem.
It seemed that my projection of a made-up me  
Was bought so quickly like cheap merchandise.
I knew my insecurities wore masks;
They hid behind the curvature of my smirk.
My desperate need for attention had reached adolescence,
Where my life’s résumé was patterned to the taste of peers,
Where my inner beauty gasped for breath,
Being choked by the institution of colours established on my face.
My true self lacking fortitude.
I mean, what was I supposed to do?
I’m only just a teenager,
Pretense became an easy fortress.
But Susan grabbed hold of my hand,
Prying me away from the circle of affiliation.
Her perception being very keen,
She saw her former self in me and my duplicitous words.
Her brown eyes tore through mine,
And all the words spurted from her mouth,
Words satiated with the message of Christ’s love;
His relentless pursuit of me,
His infallible strength in my weakness,
His sanctifying power in my faults,
His completing power in my insufficiency.
Quicker than the blink of an eye,
My insecurities melted and were forged into heavenly proclivities,
My inferiorities cascaded into the abyss of extinction,
My satisfaction submerged in the brooks flowing with grace,
And then I knew I lived only for One.
One who is all, who is everything,
Archetype of all things good and pure,
One who has no need for my outward adornments;
The one who loves me even at my ugliest.
I feel…I feel complete!
What a day!

Kenneth Olusanya

K. O. poetry




For other poems from Kenneth; CLICK HERE

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Tolulope Oludapo is a young Christian who lends his voice through the media by sharing practical wisdom for everyday living in the most experiential and simplified fashion. This has fetched him the direct followership of over 30,000 users on his blog, A blog he founded. He loves to write on varying subjects that affect life, faith, relationship...everyday living.
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