
Do Not Marry Him If…

Unarguably, the choice of who to marry is one of the top 5 most important choices you’ll make all your life, it is a choice that will affect more than 50% of every other choice you’ll make and it is one that greatly affects how your life turns out.

If you would take caution and many considerations in making way lesser important choices like which phone to buy, you consider the storage space, battery life, camera quality among other things, how much more choosing who to marry.

To the ladies, this is for you, Do not marry him if;

1. If he is easily influenced by the opinion of others.

You want a man! one of the things that makes a man and one who you would want to spend the rest of your life with is his ability to make decisions and stand by them. A man of his words. A man that is firm and not easily swayed by people and their opinions.

You definitely don’t want a man who allows every opinion to infleunce his decisions. Although I am not saying he should not be open to counsel or one who can not be corrected, but in all these, he should have a mind of himself.

Which brings us to my next point.

You don't want a man who allows every opinion influence his decisions. Share on X

2. If he is not submissive to the authority of the word of God.

The word of God is our realest reality, regardless of who or what is involved, the word of God should be our final authority.

Don’t marry him if he is not submitted to the word of God, regardless of the syllable of his tongue or how long he has been in the faith.

You want to be able to have an argument with your boo about something, pick your bible then drop your opinion like hot potatoes if it does not align.

Just imagine how many future arguments, disagreements, troubles…will be easy to scale through if he is submitted to the word of God. You will also be at rest assured that you are in good hands considering that people change, both for good and otherwise. So you know that you, your future and that of your children will be secured and insured.

Many future arguments, disagreements, troubles...will be easy to scale through if he is submitted to the word of God. Share on X

3. If he is comfortable with a bad character that might affect your relationship.

We all have issues, a habit or a trait we are not proud of, so yes, no one is perfect. But there is always room for improvement, plus just as you are responsible for your growth process your ‘boo’ should too.

Don’t marry him if If he has a character flaw and is unwilling to take steps towards growth. Listen! you can’t change him, you are not the Holy Ghost. Stop making excuses for him, growth and improvement are very possible just how much does he want it.

Even though he might not be perfect, can you see him dissatisfied with his flaws and actively working at overcoming them? If yes, then you can trust that he would grow and get better.

Don't marry him if If he has a character flaw and is unwilling to take steps towards growth. Share on X

4. If he cannot sacrifice for you.

What is love? how do you decide what love is?  You know someone loves you when they can make sacrifices. Love felt/measured most when it is uncomfortable. Remember how you went out of your way to help someone you cared about, exactly! when you love you sacrifice- give up (something valued) for the sake of other considerations. So don’t marry him if you do not see him make scarifies when it comes to you or your needs. 

Don't marry him if you do not see him make scarifies when it comes to you or your needs. Share on X

5. If he doesn’t listen to you

Why should you marry someone who does not listen to you? If your opinions do not count now that you are not married to him, it would also not count when you get married to him.

Have you noticed that ‘le boo’ always be belittling your opinion, maybe he thinks you are just not that smart to give a contribution worth paying attention to or he feels he knows what is best for you.

Don’t marry him if he treats your opinions, interests, dreams, desires, etc with disdain you are entitled to have them. 

Don't marry him if he treats your opinions, interests, dreams, desires, etc with disdain Share on X

6. If he cannot commit to a thing (and see it through).

Some people are just all over the place, they can not commit to one thing and see it till the end. While it is important to know when to let go, patient and perseverance are important keys for successful relationships because every day will not be the same.  

 So have you seen patterns of him not being able to commit to anything for long? Does he quit at the slightest obstacles? Don’t marry him, cause someone who has not held on to anything for long would most likely not hold on to you for long too.

Does he quit at the slightest obstacles? Don't marry him, cause someone who has not held on to anything for long would most likely not hold on to you for long too. Share on X

7. If he doesn’t treat people right. 

Everybody deserves to be treated with respect regardless of who they are if you notice that your ‘boo’ does not treat people right be it the doorman, ‘aboki’, some random person or even his family members don’t marry him.

A popular quote by Charlie Chaplin says ‘If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals’. So pay attention to how he treats people even if he is not very involved in their lives but there is a place for honour regardless of who is involved.

If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals. - Charlie Chaplin Share on X

There you have it ladies, I know this is not an exhaustive list, but it is a good place to start. I would love to hear your suggestions in the comment section.

In this same line, check out 5 Men You Should Not Marry 

Love Talk: What Are You Looking For?


About author


Tolulope Oludapo is a young Christian who lends his voice through the media by sharing practical wisdom for everyday living in the most experiential and simplified fashion. This has fetched him the direct followership of over 30,000 users on his blog, A blog he founded. He loves to write on varying subjects that affect life, faith, relationship...everyday living.
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