Is there a pre-ordained man for every woman and vice versa?
No. God leads you according to His spirit and the man gets someone that’s like-minded like Him. The man gets His Help meet “suitable for him” while he is loving God and doing his purpose.
We are very quick to jump to Adam and Eve.
Read carefully!!!
God did and created things and left Adam to make choices; God didn’t impose anything….follow me closely. While God made Eve out of Adam to be His suitable help meet, did you ever see in the bible, -if it’s in your translation please show me- that God now said to Adam, this is the bone of your bone oya marry her.
God because of His immeasurable love for us and for Adam at that time was thinking of different means and methods to make Adam’s work easy and enjoyable (since the animals weren’t helping him, because note that he had companions but they weren’t just fit for him)…So God was thinking of Him as He is always thinking of us. So He made this with this intention that the Lady should help him and brought her to Adam, it was Adam that now said – “This is now bone if my bone” and we know the rest.
This bone of my bone also means Compatibility. So note God made plans for Adam and allowed Him choose with the wisdom of God. That is how it is today. God prepares wives, you choose the most compatible (bone of your bones), in all areas please not only purpose and God approves.
God has made different Humans for different purposes on earth, many are living theirs many are not. It is when a man sees a woman out of the women that can be his help-meet is when He says ‘wow’. Meaning they could be 10000, 5000 or 5 that can be help-meets for Him, but the one that is perfectly appealing to Him is what He finds and chooses.
Note that Adam was in His purpose working. Many people miss it because they are not working their purpose and they want to wow to a wife, you will make the wrong choice and think you are choosing right, but that is another topic entirely
Many examples as I conclude: Ruth was married before and then got married again to Boaz, King Xerxes remarried Esther and so much more examples to back this up.
Kindly contribute as a comment below.
Read answers to the previous questions here –>>; THE QUESTIONNAIRE
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Nkechi Chiazor is a Women Distinctiveness Teacher. She is passionate about helping women find their true worth, value and distinctiveness. She is the founder of WONDIVA (Wonderfully Distinguished; Virtuous; Attractive) a network that helps women understand their distinctiveness and come to see themselves the way God sees them.
The Questionnaire is a platform from WONDIVA that helps ladies find true direction in life and walk in the truth through the answers we proffer. It also show ladies the love and wisdom of God through the right answers we help them discover.
To reach her for a counseling session or if you have any question for her,
Hello Nkechi, I love your post! My question is this… In light of what you have explained, is it right or biblical to present the name of the person i’m interested in spending the rest of my life with to a pastor (prophet) (the pastor is an authentic one in this scenario) to confirm if he/she is God’s will (or my predestined soulmate).
I ask this question because a number of us can reckon to the fact that our parents did this and were very confident of their dating relationship leading to marriage when they got a confirmation from a pastor that they were right for each other as declared by God to them…. This sometimes could be a determining factor to our parents approval of whoever we introduce to them as our spouse-to-be.
Thank you so much GodsChosen.
There’s nothing wrong in introducing the person you want to marry to your Spiritual Father/Leader etc.
When you are about to get married to someone,you yourself should have been sure of who it is you want to get married to.Like I said in my previous post and I am glad you followed, God prepared Eve and Adam was able to recognise her and recognise that she was compatible for him.
Again the Bible says,He who finds a wife(not He who’s pastor finds a wife for him)finds a good thing.
What am I trying to say?For something as serious as Marriage A man is supposed to be able to be convinced about any lady he wants to marry.Taking her to the Spiritual Authority should be to introduce her to them.
No matter what,God should lead you and you should be convinced yourself about who you want to marry, that means;
1.You must have an intimate relationship with God.Please settle this first before looking up and down for girlfriend. This way you can be sure of how God speaks to you.
2.You must have discovered what God wants to do through you on earth.I.e Your purpose for being here.
When these two things are settled then you can start finding a wife.
Nobody can and should make life decisions for you,because they wouldn’t live with the consequences also you are responsible for your decisions.
You can’t say my pastor said,my deacon said etc.
The word of God is our final Authority.So that should be your Ultimate guide.-God’s Word is a Lamp to our Feet and a Light to our path and The Holy Spirit is our Chief Counselor(before any other person)
People have submitted names and married the wrong person that almost killed them, They met Pastors too.
People have also submitted names and it worked for them.(Still this isn’t the Biblical way)
Your Spiritual heads are to “guide” you not choose for you.
If you don’t have personal convictions about her what do you want to say or do when there are challenges? “Its because of Pastor oh,if not” ?
Finally,submitting names is not the way for your Pastor to know that someone is right.
You can tell the Pastor about her and also take her to him for visiting/she can also call him.
That looks much more like the pastor is trying to get to know her and guide you, rather than judging someone that haven’t even been seen.
As for Parental consent, if that’s what they require I.e They usually submit names,you can explain to them about the better way.
But if they refuse no problem they can go ahead,The most important thing is that you’re sure God is speaking to you about this Lady(so you can stand your grounds if they come with something contrary).If you’re not sure of a Lady,Please don’t waste her time proposing to her only to wait for people to be making your decisions for you, it doesn’t make sense.
I am sure you wouldn’t want Pastor to be telling you your next life step everytime you need to take a decision.That’s frustrating and that’s not the life God intends for you.The Pastor too was once a young Christian who grew also.So if He can grow to the level he is and can hear God about many people’s lives,why can’t you get to the extent that you’re sure of when God is speaking about just your own life?
God is not partial.
Settle down, Pray,Study, Watch,Be sensitive,Look out for the Characters of a Godly Woman,Be sure about her first before going to the point of marriage.
I am sure you wouldn’t want to be breaking up with different girls because of what Pastor said or didn’t Say.
So the simple Solution to this,Let God’s Word and The Leading of His Spirit be your first and final authority.
By the way,God’s Word, The HolySpirit,God’s Directions are more authentic than the most ‘authentic pastor’.
So Proritize accordingly and again strive to grow in him everyday.
Note; I didn’t say you shouldn’t go to your Pastors I said you should prioritize accordingly.
Hope I have been able to help you.
God Loves You
Hello Nkechi! I’m so much grateful to you for your answer and advise.
I definitely will note it down and refer to it as i require.
Again Thank You!! And i pray for more of Gods Wisdom to manifest through you in Jesus Name!