A girl sleeping on the moon — Image by © TongRo Images/Corbis
Possibilities drowned as my flooding skepticism lingers
Dreams waved away by Doubt’s long fingers
Wishes never transcending the blowing of candles on the cake
A great toll this continuous cycle seemed to take
The nights I would wish upon a star have ceased
My child-like hope has been polluted and diseased
Negativism sheltered by pessimism has become my homestay
So every shred of hope I tried to patch in any way
Hope where have you gone?
You strayed far away so I was undone
Faith, why do you flicker on and off?
At dire times when my heart was not tough
True love, they say, is the greatest magic of all
It saves its hosts from taking defeat in life’s brawl
More so, true love stands the test of time
So in my falsehood, all I could do was mime
My desperation gained strength
It stretched out its boundaries at every length
Because my feigning of true love was betraying
It felt a though the walls were imploding
Yet still in my ugly and void-of-hope state
There was no debate
My Fairy Godmother appeared
As my Prince Charming got me endeared
Nothing I did could have ever earned me such prestige,
It seemed unfathomable; free from sin’s siege,
The light at the end of the tunnel; an apparent bright figure
There He stood, my Hope and my Future
Much like Aurora, the beautiful sleeper
That before I could fall any deeper
Christ’s true love kiss awoke me
From the wells of darkness I now can’t see
Just like Alice in wonderland, I fell down the rabbit hole
Wondering in oblivion till Christ made me whole
Unlike Elsa, He took my frozen heart
And gave me a newly thawed one in full, not in part
At first, I resisted His reach as He began to tow
I fought long enough till I succumbed and let it go.
My union with Christ seemed ethereal, ask Belle
Only in this case, I’m the beast… you can tell
The Beauty looked into my hideous face,
Loved me and cleaned me up without a trace
Now I realize that the holes in His hands
Were intended to fill the hole in my heart
That the crown of thorns embedded in His bleeding head
Were to bestow me a crown of life
And exile me from the land of the dead
Yes, He relocated me from my former residence
No. 1, Impossibility Street, Neverland
Where melancholy filled the very air like fairy dust
Then a long lost boy like Peter pan
But now, I am found
I guess they weren’t wrong after all when they said:
“Wish upon a star and believe”
‘Cause I did wish upon the bright and morning star
And my dream came true.
Kenneth Olusanya