It is not uncommon to find Christians with an up-and-down relationship with God. Some days, you are praying all day, meditating and just minding your business and God’s. Other days, you only get to mutter a ‘Thank you Jesus’ when you wake, you can’t get to think on a scripture for a minute without something else interrupting you. A consistent and vibrant spiritual walk seems unattainable.
What is responsible for this pendulum? Is it possible to be on an all-time high? If possible, how can it be attained and sustained?
First, it is definitely possible to have a vibrant spiritual walk. If it were not so, the bible would not have said to ‘Pray without ceasing‘ When God gives an instruction in the bible, we know it is actually a possibility to live it out. It is God’s will for us as His children to continually abide in Him. The world is in a fallen state and it is not our ‘normal’ because we are not of this world even though we are in it. This is why it takes extra effort to stay connected to God.
While we remain in this world, how can maintain a vibrant spiritual walk?
1. By being intentional.
The way the world is set up, it takes being intentional to avoid living a pendulum as a Christian. This is because the world in and of itself is very distracting to the believer. Being aware of this fact is the first step to building a vibrant spiritual walk and fighting off the inconsistencies. You can’t leave your spiritual walk, devotion times, bible study to chance. You’ll most likely have none if you’re not intentional about growth in these areas.
You can't leave your spiritual walk: devotion times, bible study... to chance. You'll most likely have none if you're not intentional about growth in these areas. Share on X2. Build structures to help yourself.
Just the same way you set alarms to wake you up for work or when you have early classes, there is need for structure even in your spiritual walk. A lot of Christians make the mistake of leaving things to chance. However if you would not leave your school work or career to chance, why would you leave your spiritual life to chance? Set up structures to help you.
Alarms, reminders that would remind you in the middle of this noisy world to commune with your Father. You can also set aside a consistent time daily to fellowship with God. These are minor changes you can make today that can make a tremendous difference in your Christian journey.
If you would not leave your school work or career to chance, why would you leave your spiritual life to chance? Set up structures to help you. Set alarms and reminders. Share on X3. Be accountable.
God did not design for the believer to have their spiritual walk alone. We were made for community. A sheep is more vulnerable to attacks from the wild when it is alone than when it is in a fold. It’s the same way for a Christian. We are stronger together.
You know how you’d have study groups just to ensure you don’t fall behind in class, the same can be helpful for your spiritual life. Attend a good local church and ensure you are connected. There is the possibility that you attend a great, vibrant church but you are not impacted because you are not connected. Some of the ways you can be connected is by joining service groups or home cells where you have actual relationships with people who can help you grow. You can also have prayer groups you join for prayers or prayer partners you can pray together with.
God did not design for the believer to have their spiritual walk alone. We were made for community. A sheep is more vulnerable to attacks from the wild when it is alone than when it is in a fold. It's the same way for a Christian.… Share on X4. Leverage technology:
This is such a powerful point since as we spend most of our time on our devices. A great example is the YouVersion Bible App. It has been of tremendous help to my bible study. Thank God for the gift of technology that is changing how things are done around the world. Leverage it for the benefit of your walk with God. There are apps designed to help you stay prayed up through the day or to make bible study easier for you. Search for them and adopt the one(s) you think it is best suited for you. See recommendations here of 6 BIBLE APPS THAT CAN HELP YOU STUDY BETTER.
5. Finally, keep going!
“Oh no I missed praying yesterday”, keep going!
“I have been on the same bible plan all month”, keep going!
A common trap for many Christians myself inclusive is guilt tripping themselves when they fall or miss it. But guilt is not of God! Never has been, never will be. So just pick up yourself and go again. The devil’s tactic is to keep us in guilt so much so that we end up missing even more days and the guilt just deepens. Remember God is your Father not some judge waiting to send you a heavy knock from heaven when you fall. Allow the arms of God restore you when you miss it and just keep going.
I hope you find these tips useful. I also hope you don’t just read this article and feel good. It would be amazing if you can make the little changes you can today such as setting alarms, reminders or installing an app to help keep you going.
Yes yes! Really spot on! Every point is a hit
This is how we stay focused in a “busy” world
Thank you Ozioma! ❤
Thanks for sharing. This really Leveraging technology stood out for me. It’s a major tool the devil is using to distract believers.
God bless you.