
How To Make the Best Possible Decision All the Time

We live in a world of decision making, we make decisions almost every minute. From the tiny decisions of what to eat, when to go use the loo, to the bigger, life-transforming decisions like where to study, where to live, what career to choose, who to marry and many more.

If our life is a summation of the result of our decisions, our ignorance regardless. How then do we ensure that we make the best possible decisions all the time?

1. Do Adequate Research

The quality of the decision you make is directly proportional to the amount of sound information on that issue you have. You can’t make a good decision with poor information. Take for instance, you want to buy a mobile phone, you don’t just enter a store and pick the first phone that stares you in the face, or that looks the best, No! You read up its features and specifications and you compare it to what you want in a phone and what you are willing to spend on it.

This goes with every other lives decision. How great do you think your marriage will be if you marry a complete stranger? Please don’t bring up the case of arranged marriage done for our parents, if you know the level of investigation into the family background they do, you will duff your hat.

Whatever decision you want to make; the decision to choose a country or school to study, which career to take or whatever decision you want to make, do an adequate research. Read all you can lay your hands on, ask questions. This will lead to my second point.

Whatever decision you want to make, do an adequate research. Read all you can lay your hands on, ask questions. Share on X


2. Seek Counsel

This is very much like the first point, but it is worth a separate mention.

This recent generation takes pride in the idea of self-help and being self-made, but we cannot undermine the place of godly counsel, especially the one that comes via mentorship.

There is a kind of wisdom you won’t find on the internet or from books, it is the kind you get only from a heart to heart sharing of wisdom that has come from personal experience.

Look for someone or people who have worked the path you seek to work and ask them about it. You will be marvelled at how much wisdom and direction you will get.

When trying to make an important decision, look for someone who has worked the path you seek to work and ask them about it. You will be marvelled at how much wisdom and direction you will get. Share on X


3. Be Patient

I have realised from experience (mine and others) that most decision taken in a hurry ends up being bad decisions.

A friend while at the university said something his mum told him and it was true wisdom, “you can never go wrong being a little bit more patient”.

We think opportunities (right partner or job) will pass us by if we aren’t fast enough to catch them, but in reality, we are more blinded to red flags when we are in a hurry. We ignore the warning signs, we are preoccupied with what we want or what we want to do. We don’t even listen to counsel at those moments.

If you are pressed to a corner to make a decision in a haste, like sign a deal or whatever, it might be wiser to pass on that opportunity, till you can have the information to make the best decision.

Don’t take more than the time you need, but never become desperate either, it is the fastest way to making the wrong decision.


4. Think of the future

If we make every decision with the future in mind, we will be guided to making the best decision. There is the best thing for the now, and the best thing on the long run and the best thing on the long run most of the times is the better thing on the long run is the best thing to do. So, put that into consideration every time you are to make a decision.

If we make every decision with the future in mind, we will be guided to making the best decision. Share on X

Take for instance, what job pays the best now, and which gives a longer job security or pension plan. Which woman fits the day’s societal definition of a wife, and which one will stand the test of time and all season for you, the one you will be glad to wake up to when you have children, and when all your children have left you?


5. Play The Devil’s Advocate

I learnt this point reading up on how to make a great decision online and I must agree that it holds a level of wisdom.

Oftentimes, we are always positive, blindly positive and optimistic when we want to do something, you don’t see the flaws, possible fallout lines or reasons not to do it. Decisions that involve emotion or money especially (but not limited to). Playing the devil’s advocate is pretty simple, act like the person advising you against that decision.

When trying to make an important decision, come up with reasons and arguments why that decision might not be the best. Share on X

What this helps you accomplish is to examine the decisions from not just the optimistic point but the realistic point as well. You put all possible outcomes and scenarios into consideration. Thereby coming up with a more holistic view, information, which in turns help you make the best possible decision in that situation.


6. Pray

Yep! I bet you saw it coming. We can never underestimate God’s power to guide our decision making, He isn’t only concerned about our faith life, but He cares about all that concerns us.

Prayer remains a potent key in discerning God's heart over a matter. Share on X

When the disciples were going to choose a replacement for Judas Iscariot, they prayed; And they prayed, “Lord, You know everyone’s heart. Show us which of these two You have chosen – Act 1:24

We also see another case where the Holy Spirit gave a specific instruction in the place of prayer.

While they were worshipping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” So after they had fasted and prayed, they laid their hands on them and sent them off. – Act 13:2-3


Thank you for reading. Kindly tell me in a comment what tips have helped make the best decisions. And share this post.


Decisions: The Journey to Significance

About author


Tolulope Oludapo is a young Christian who lends his voice through the media by sharing practical wisdom for everyday living in the most experiential and simplified fashion. This has fetched him the direct followership of over 30,000 users on his blog, A blog he founded. He loves to write on varying subjects that affect life, faith, relationship...everyday living.
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