
How to Rekindle a Dying Devotional LifeStyle

It usually starts very subtly. A typical scenario is, you begin a 9-5 job that is very demanding, you have to leave your house very early and come back extremely late. When you come back from work, you are so fatigued and famished that you can’t afford to do anything. So days go by, without you studying your bible and praying. It started off as a cause for concern, but as the days go by it became easier to ignore the gentle nudge of God’s Spirit on your heart.

Many times you don’t realize how bad it is until things begin to go south- you find yourself slipping back into old habits, you no longer have a grasp of life’s many trails, like you formerly did. At this point you would begin to realize how difficult it is to pray or study the bible, seeing that you have not done them in a while.

The scenario above might not apply to everyone, but many people get to that point in their Christian walk, where for some reason or another they are failing in their dedication to the place of prayer and bible study.

Below are some helpful tips to get you back on track from a point of spiritual laxity:

  • Consider the implications

Many times all that is required from you is to consider the implications of not praying or studying the word.

If you have found yourself at the point, where you no longer give emphasis to study and prayer or you have ever been there before, you should be familiar with some of its many negative implications.

For example, in Matthew 26:41, Jesus tells his disciples that if they do not pray they would fall into temptations, this statement still applies to every believer today.

If you don’t spend time praying you are more susceptible to falling into temptations and as long as we are in this world we can’t escape temptations. Share on X

To be very honest, the 21st-century believer is faced with more threats to his Christian faith that can be imagined. A keen analysis of the implications of going days without prayer and bible study should awaken you to the need for fervour.

Trust me it might be extremely difficult to keep up with a devotional lifestyle, especially if you have a very busy schedule. But you must always remember, if you get too busy to eat, you will die, so it is with your spirit man.

Your spirit thrives by consistency in prayer and bible study, so time must be allotted for these disciplines, no matter how difficult it is.

Your spirit thrives by consistency in prayer and bible study, so time must be allotted for these disciplines, no matter how difficult it is. Share on X
  • Seek Platforms of Accountability

Christianity is marked by association. Every believer must belong to a family of other believers, where he/she is spurred to love and good works (Hebrews 10:24).

One way to get out of the rot of powerlessness or a lack of bible study is getting another believer who keeps you in check and with whom you can be honest.

In addition to getting an accountability partner, there are apps that act as accountability platforms. A good prayer and study devotional platform work wonders in rekindling a dying devotional lifestyle. There is nothing to be shy about, get talking to a trusted brother/sister about your struggles.

Also, make enquiries about applications that can help you maintain a devotional lifestyle. A few of those applications that I personally recommend are: Triumph30 devotional app, my sword or e-sword app and Rhapsody of Realities app. Those are just some applications that I find beneficial, but there are many more applications that can help you rekindle a devotional lifestyle.

One way to get out of the rot of powerlessness or a lack of bible study is getting another believer who keeps you in check and with whom you can be honest. Share on X

Read – 4 + 1 Apps That Would Transform Your Christian Life


  • Take a Spiritual Vacation

A spiritual vacation can be described as a season where you let go of all forms of distractions, to focus on things of the spirit. For those who work a 9-5, you might decide to take a leave from work for a few days, to get into a season of prayer, fasting and Bible study.

You can choose to do this on your own, but I feel it is more effective in the presence of other believers. So I think it is smart to take such vacation at a time when your church has a camp meeting or a program. This would allow you to focus all your attention on spiritual things in the company of other believers.

Above are just a few points I feel would help you rekindle a dying devotional lifestyle. Please feel free to give more suggestions in the comments section.

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A man helped by God, who tells evocative stories.
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