
Jezebel – Good Lesson from Bad Girls

The look I saw on her face was epic. It had this look of “You are weird”, and I just chuckled feeling like one man from Mars suddenly realising he is not from this earth. I went ahead to explain why I liked the bad girls in the Bible.

I have a thing for ‘bad girls’ so I guess this is one of the reasons I liked the bad girls in the Bible. So I have decided to share with you some pretty interesting lessons I have learnt from the ‘Baddest’ girls in the Bible.

She is wealthy. She is influential. She may not be beautiful by the standards of some, but you can’t take away the fact that she is fresh (there’s difference between being beautiful and being fresh, you know?). (Now the part that trips me the most), she is fearless…almost.

Guess…Guess….Guess… I present to you, Mrs Jezebel! The one-time number woman in the whole of Israel! She had her hands on various crimes like forgery and identity theft. She wrote letters to the elders with false accusations and character assassination, she planned the murder of an innocent man, seized the dead man’s property for her husband and well, worshiped Baal!

Wondering what sort of lesson we can draw from this stylishly greedy, murderous, evil lady, let’s roll!


  1. Top on my list, she is FEARLESS.

Only Jezebel could do what no man or woman dared to do in the whole of Israel- She sent the most fearsome Prophet on his heels!

“…she sent this message to Elijah: “You killed my prophets, and now I swear by the gods that I am going to kill you by this time tomorrow night. So Elijah fled for his life…” 1 Kings 19:2-3 (TLB)

Many Ladies and guys today need to learn this trait, we currently live in a world where fear has crippled many and prevented them from doing things they really want to do. Now, wait o! I am not saying you go around scaring prophets o! You are on your own on that one (Lol).

However, live life without fear.

“For the Holy Spirit, God’s gift, does not want you to be afraid of people, but to be wise and strong, and to love them and enjoy being with them” 2 Timothy 1:7



Jezebel had great leadership abilities and she used it greatly in the way she made people do the things she wanted to. She was the wife of the most powerful man in Israel at the time, and though her husband Ahab was a spineless king, she rocked the ‘Queen’ position.

Imagine a world where godly leaders are able to lead people to the place of bliss. Imagine a world leader that knows what to do and goes on to do it.



She had a confidence that could not be matched. Though she used it negatively, she had a confidence that she was able to convince everyone of what she wanted to happen, from servants to elders and even the King.

With God in the scene, this attribute would have been awesome to win people to Christ as well as help draw people from pits of darkness they may have found themselves.

“Be strong and brave, for you will be a successful leader of my people;”

Bravery is needed to be a successful leader and that was something that everyone needs.


  1. Finally, she was PASSIONATE ABOUT HER GOD.

Jesus said, “The first in importance is, ‘Listen, Israel: The Lord your God is one; so love the Lord God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence and energy.”

Jezebel was so passionate about her god and its prophets that she swore to kill Elijah.

Are you passionate about God? Is God just ‘one of those things’ in your life, or he is the centre of your life. Evaluate that and you’ll be on your way to a rich relationship with Christ.


Those are lessons you can glean from Jezebel. Thank you for reading. I believe you have learnt something from her. Is there a particular bad girl you would want to see in this series, just hit me up in the comment box and I’ll bring her to you.

Thank you for reading, our next bad girl is a really pretty lady with great eyes and a taste for strong men, can you guess who she is? ?????


About author


Tolulope Oludapo is a young Christian who lends his voice through the media by sharing practical wisdom for everyday living in the most experiential and simplified fashion. This has fetched him the direct followership of over 30,000 users on his blog, A blog he founded. He loves to write on varying subjects that affect life, faith, relationship...everyday living.
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