
Life Lessons From The Book Of Esther in the Bible

Did you know that there are life lessons to learn from the Book of Esther? Yes, there are! The Book of Esther tells my favourite story in the Bible. It’s a story of how God saved His people, and it’s one of those books that stir up your faith to see the limitless ability of God.

For those who are not familiar with the story, here goes: King Artaxerxes wanted a new wife, after sacking his former one (Vashti) of her stately position. So, maidens were selected to be trained in the palace for about a year. They were going to eventually be presented to the king for him to make a choice.

Esther was among those selected. She was Jewish but  kept that information from them initially. Meanwhile, the king’s right hand man, Haman, hated the Jews and issued a decree to have them killed. Because of this, they needed Esther to intervene on their behalf. At the end of the day, the story leading to the victory the Jews experienced unfolded in such a beautiful way.

In the light of this, here are 4 life lessons from the Book of Esther:

1. Learn to depend on God

The first thing that gets me about this story is Esther’s confidence in God. She shows us that response to difficult situations shouldn’t be panic and worry, but dependence on God – His wisdom, timing and ability. And in this light, she decided to pray before approaching the king and seeking his face.

Esther shows us that response to difficult situations shouldn't be panic and worry, but dependence on God – His wisdom, timing and ability. Click To Tweet

Regardless of the situation, remember that God is all powerful, and He’s our Father! Therefore, we can always depend on Him. In fact, we should depend on Him. When you think there’s nothing else to do, remember that you can pray. That’s something.

2. Counsel is powerful

I’m sure we’ve all done some things because someone encouraged us to. In the story of Esther, we see the King and Haman advised on what to do (in a positive and negative manner respectfully). In both cases, they did the exact things they had been told, and those actions were very significant in this story.

Regardless of the situation, remember that God is all powerful, and He's our Father! Therefore, we can always depend on Him. Click To Tweet

Similarly, it matters who influences/advises you. Advice, no matter how little, is powerful. Can you trust the people that you surround yourself with to give godly and helpful counsel? 

3. God is almighty

Everything in this story screams God’s power and ability! It doesn’t just amaze me that God did something, it’s the manner with which He did it.

To start with, it’s not a coincidence that the King needed a new queen, that Esther was selected, and she found favour in the eyes of everyone, especially in his eyes. 

Mordecai, Esther’s uncle, wanted preservation for him and his people, but God did even more than that. He changed the fate of an entire nation in a marvellous way.

So in difficult situations, you don’t need to first be concerned about the how, you just need to trust the who – God. Dear believer, He is for you! 

In difficult situations, you don't need to first be concerned about the how, you just need to trust the who – God. Dear believer, He is for you!  Click To Tweet

4. Cultivate a heart of service

Esther didn’t forget her people when she got to a position of influence. Her being in the palace was so strategic to the preservation of the Jews, she recognised that and played her part.

In whatever position you are, serve others; Seek to be a vessel through which the lives of people would change for better.

And those are some of the life lessons from the Book of Esther I learnt recently. Have you read the book of Esther? What was your favourite thing about the story? Please share in the comments section.

Did you enjoy this piece? You can also read “God’s Leading – Lessons Learnt from the Bible and Experience” or “Life Lessons From Jonah; Take Note of These 3!

About author


Favour Ndakara is a young Christian that lives out her purpose to know God and make Him known. She's also a pharmacist that loves acting, writing and talking. She's convivial and loves the idea of friendships.
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