
Making the Right Friends: 4 Tips to Apply Today

None of us were created to live in isolation, yet making the right friends can be hard. Without an iota of doubt, a number of us can relate with being hurt or worse still, betrayed by a friend whom we deeply trusted with our very being. 

In spite of this, having the right friends never hurts anybody. Also, being in the right friendships and relationships can make life easier and better. The story of Jonathan and David in the Bible is an example of how friendships can be impactful in our lives. 

That said, Have you ever wondered how to make the right friends? Here are 4 tips to guide you:

1.  Have standards 

Take note of qualities that you’re looking for in friendship and in a friend. Your friends are, and should be a reflection of your core values. 

Also, if Christ is the centre of your life, it must reflect in your choice of friends.

Having the right friends never hurts anybody. Also, being in the right friendships and relationships can make life easier and better. Share on X

So have values that are connected to your beliefs and expect the same in those you seek a friendship with. For example, if honesty is a core value for you, then you cannot afford to be known for telling lies. Neither should you expect honesty from your friends.

2.  Give it time

You should take your time to know someone before discovering a friend in them. Friendship takes time, patience, careful observation and communication to build quality friendships. 

Observe patterns this would-be friend has shown overtime. Also, ask questions and engage in important conversations to get their perspective, their values and check if they align with yours. By doing so, you’d know if such a relationship is one worth committing to or not.

Have values that are connected to your beliefs and expect the same in those you seek a friendship with. For example, if honesty is a core value for you, then you cannot afford to be known for telling lies. Share on X

Another important thing to reemphasize here is that it takes time to build a friendship. Some people may warm up to us more quickly than others. It is also possible that the person we are seeking a friendship with does not currently have the time to build one with us. It doesn’t mean they do not care about being friends with us, they just cannot commit to a friendship yet, and that’s okay.

3.  Pray about it

God cares about every aspect of our lives. Further more, it matters to Him the friends we keep as they play a very important role in our lives. By prayer, we can discern who God would have us be friends with, and see even beyond any disguise they may put on. 

It takes time to build a friendship. Some people may warm up to us more quickly than others. It is also possible that the person we are seeking a friendship with does not currently have the time to build one with us. Share on X

4.  Be friendly

How do you respond to pleasantries? Do you speak rudely to people? If you push people away all the time, do not be surprised if you do not have any friends.

Go out. Visit restaurants, attend events, say hello to people and be friendly and welcoming when you meet them. In addition, engage in conversations and have a listening ear.

Don’t be afraid to leave a comment or compliment on social media, you never really know where a great friendship can start from. If you’re unapproachable, difficult to talk to, it would be hard for anyone to successfully build a relationship with you. So be friendly.

God cares about every aspect of our lives. Further more, it matters to Him the friends we keep as they play a very important role in our lives. Share on X

We hope you found these 4 tips helpful. Would you like to share more? Please comment below. 

You may also find “Having Christian Friends is Important. Why?” or “Who is a Friend? Reevaluating Friendships” interesting.

Written by Favour Ndakara & ‘Bolanle Abiola

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