MUDDLED AFFAIR_oyinkansola ige lifegivaJadesola came into the sitting room and looked at the wall clock on the cream wall, above the fridge.
And Simi wasn’t back.
She dialed Simi’s number again. And for the umpteenth time, Simi did not pick her phone!
Paul would be at the hospital on his night duty.
Jadesola didn’t have any children, so there was literally no one to complain to.
Simi was getting fond of keeping late nights and Jadesola did not like it. They grew up together, she being ten years older. Their mother always warned them against keeping late nights, indiscriminate sexual affairs and the likes. Jade tried; at least she was a “technical virgin” till she got married- unlike her sister who believed in “live each day as it comes with nothing stopping you”. Apparently, Simi seemed to enjoy her youthful days than Jadesola.
And somehow, Jadesola was mad at her for that.
Jadesola sat down and began to wonder why her life seemed so boring. It never seemed like she could get anything right. She remembered their childhood.
How Simi got all the hot guys.
How Simi was the prettiest girl in her set.
 How Simi..
“Lord, you have to help me here. She’s just 23, what could she possibly know?”, Jadesola whispered as she sat on the brown leather chair opposite the television stand. She began to imagine the possible places Simi could be. A clubhouse? A boyfriend’s crib? Where? As she wondered and wondered, her phone rang.
“Hey babe, how far?” he asked in his boyish and cute voice.
“She’s not back”, Jadesola replied, as she placed her left hand on her temple.
There was a temporary pause, a silence between both of them.
“If I talk, you’ll say I’m being mean, but this is getting too much”, he said, sounding irritated.
“Hmm”, Jadesola sighed. “I am thinking of telling her to go and live with mum at Ibadan”
“Don’t you think that will be a little extreme?” he asked, sounding pensive all of a sudden.
Jadesola stood up and walked round the sitting room, looking agitated and really sad. “I don’t know honey, I don’t….I’m just…”
She began to cry even if  she knew her husband wouldn’t be pleased with that.
“Baby, please don’t cry okay?”, he said rather oddly. “I’ll come home soon okay? I have to go now…”
She hissed as she threw her phone on the cushion and went back into the room, thinking of what to do about her sister. If she knew any of her friends, maybe it would have been easier…
It turned out she was completely clueless about Simi’s life.


“What are you going to do?” Mariam asked, as she stared at Simi, who looked disheveled.
“If I knew I wouldn’t be here babe”, Simi replied, as she gave Mariam a stern look. “How do I explain to Jade that I am pregnant?”
“You’ll still have to tell her oh! Because it was sweeting you when you were doing it with him…”
Abeg, abeg, doesn’t remind me about it jare. Blame men and their sweet mouth…”, Simi cut in, as she sat down and sipped a glass of red wine. Mariam looked at her and began to laugh.
“You shouldn’t be taking red wine oh, for the sake of your unborn child, eh?”
“Mariam, I will slap you now!”
“Abegi”, Mariam replied, waving her hand, and consecutively looking at Simi’s phone ring again.
Big sis was the Caller ID again!!!
“You’ve refused to pick her calls. This is not fair oh!”
“I need to have a game plan before going back to that house. She’s too intuitive. She will notice in no time…”
Simi, na who get the pikin na?” Mariam asked in a concerned tone. “Why don’t you want to tell me?”
“It’s not necessary babe, please let’s forget about the bastard owner”, Simi replied, looking downcast all of a sudden. Mariam went and sat beside her and put her arms around Simi’s shoulder.
“Do you want us to get rid of the baby?” Mariam asked, looking at Simi, curiously.
“I don’t know”, Simi replied. “Remember what Doctor Chucks said during service last year?” Simi asked as tears began to well down her eyes.
There was a distinct silence between them, each lost in their own thoughts. Simi had every reason to be worried. After four abortions, she knew her womb didn’t stand a chance. Even if it did, she didn’t want to take the risk of taking this baby out. What if the baby was her only ticket to motherhood? Her sister couldn’t bear children, and their Mum was in Ibadan, growing old and crying for her grand children, and she….she didn’t want to commit to any man…at least not yet.
‘God will punish you, useless man. God will punish you!’ she thought in her mind.
‘Why won’t she tell me who the father is?’, Mariam thought. ‘What’s there? Is she hiding something?’, Mariam wondered as she looked at her best friend with so much pity. Mariam was scared for Simi. The girl had always been a player and a hard nut to crack, but this time, she looked smitten. She looked powerless. Hopefully, an end would come to her frivolities.
And Simi’s phone rang again. She picked it with so much disgust and was about to press the red button when she saw who was calling.
Caller ID: Uncle Paul.
And Simi froze in shock.
“What’s going on?”, Mariam asked. “Pick your in-law’s call na.”
Simi dropped the phone and began to sob profusely.
“I…I can’t”, she replied as she lay on the bed and continued to cry.


Written by; Oyinkansola Ige

Other stories by Oyinkansola

Shadows (Episodes 1-10)
Finding Me (Episode 1-9)

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Tolulope Oludapo is a young Christian who lends his voice through the media by sharing practical wisdom for everyday living in the most experiential and simplified fashion. This has fetched him the direct followership of over 30,000 users on his blog, A blog he founded. He loves to write on varying subjects that affect life, faith, relationship...everyday living.
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