They say if you stand for nothing you will fall for anything. I know you have heard that before, but what exactly do you stand for? What is your guiding philosophy for life? Do you stand for anything at all?
One day, I was baffled by the different kinds of annoying tweets flooding my timeline. So, I decided to contravene the eleventh commandment of Bible-church evangelicalism -“Thou shalt not do at all what others do poorly”.
Listed below are some of the thoughts that came to mind – my pledge to God.
- I pledge to love all men unconditionally #MyPledge
- I pledge to lay aside every weight and sin that easily holds me back #MyPledge
- I pledge not to be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of my mind by the word of God #MyPledge
- I pledge not to live for money or the temporary things of this world but to keep my focus on the treasures laid for me in heaven #MyPledge
- I pledge to be an example unto others in my words, conduct, actions, spirit and faith #MyPledge
- I pledge to follow men and women who are Ambassadors of the truth #MyPledge
- My body isn’t created for sex or lustful pleasure. My body was created to honour God and be sanctified unto my wife (only) #MyPledge
- I will not give my eyes to lust #MyPledge
- I will be sanctified unto God in my words and in my deeds #MyPledge
- I shall always speak the truth and not be complacent about it #MyPledge
- I pledge to remain on the narrow path and walk through the narrow gate #MyPledge
- I shall not bow to this world’s system; I’ll rather be thrown into the lions’ den or into the fiery furnace #MyPledge
- I choose the truth against trends #MyPledge
- Whatever is true, honourable, just, lovely, of good report, of excellence, I commit my life to these #MyPledge
- I will seek the truth, live the truth and stand for the truth, even at the expense of my life #MyPledge
- I will honour God in my words and in my conversations #MyPledge
- I shall be totally sold out to God and His Word #MyPledge
Join me declare your pledge to live the Christ-life #MyPledge
Post your own pledges as a comment ; or share on your own blogs, Facebook page and on Twitter with the hash tag “#MyPledge”. I will hunt for them (or send me the links), and share with the rest of the world what our pledges are (referencing you duly). Let us teach the world how it should be done. LET THE REVOLUTION BEGIN.
Sequel to this article is another I have titled “MY PLEDGE TO MY LOVER“.
Twitter: @tee_Abraham
BB Pin: 5C2F0360
i plege to serve God with ma life, and be devoted to him.
i plege to serve God with ma life, and be devoted to him.
I pledge to Please God and live for Christ alone till He returns or calls me home. So Help me GOD. #MyPledge
I pledge to Please God and live for Christ alone till He returns or calls me home. So Help me GOD. #MyPledge
This is deep.
Amen brother.
This is deep.
Amen brother.
I #Pledge to receive a daily flow of God’s unconditional Love each and everyday of my life and daily thank him for the cross…#MyPledge
#MyPledge 🙂
I #Pledge to receive a daily flow of God’s unconditional Love each and everyday of my life and daily thank him for the cross…#MyPledge
#MyPledge 🙂