

Okay! I am a man in love #lipsealed. My love for my love and the desire to build a relationship that works inspired me to write out the pledges on which the relationship will be built.  I will also advise you to do this: build your relationship on the right foundation. And if the foundation is already set, then build the pillars. Remember, if you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.

  • I pledge to love you with all I am and with all I have, never holding anything back.
  • I pledge to be truthful to you, to be open 100%, to never keep a secret from you, or even delay in telling you the truth. You will be my number one confidant.
  • I pledge to honor and respect your view, and to give priority to your interests and choices.
  • I pledge to honor your emotions, to never demand for what I’m not ready to protect, and to never exploit your weakness or use them against you.
  • I pledge to honor your body, to handle you with chastity and royalty like you are.
  • I pledge to nurture you into maturity in the ways of the Word of God, and to help you in your walk with God
  • I pledge to spoil you with my resources, holding nothing back, apart from the percentage jointly agreed upon to build our future with.
  • I pledge to honor your parents, to see them and treat them like they are mine.
  • I pledge to handle my family separate from my home.
  • I pledge to encourage and support your dreams or/and chosen career.
  • I pledge to pray for you before night falls every day.
  • I pledge to defend and stand for you whenever, and wherever you are being spoken against (even if you are wrong).
  • I pledge to never to lay a finger on you either when I’m “in” or out of my mind.
  • I pledge to never allow the sun set over my anger with you. (i.e. Go to sleep angry with you).
  • I pledge to solemnly decline any request that I consider unwholesome or biblically inappropriate
  • I pledge to never introduce a third party in our relationship. Our discussions will be between just us. 

Feel free to adopt my pledge and make them yours; just be genuine and sincere about every one of them. Please feel free to share yours with me; I might just want to add more to my list ;).
Hope you saw the previous post MY PLEDGE TO MY LORD. Kindly check it out and I’m so eager to share with the world your own pledges too in response to that blog post.


About author


Tolulope Oludapo is a young Christian who lends his voice through the media by sharing practical wisdom for everyday living in the most experiential and simplified fashion. This has fetched him the direct followership of over 30,000 users on his blog, A blog he founded. He loves to write on varying subjects that affect life, faith, relationship...everyday living.
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