
Never Walk Alone?

Hello, you who enjoys walking alone. Yes, that beautiful lady who wants to do all on her own. That’s right, you in front of me who would rather die with your pain than share that pain with others.  Hey bro! Yes, you who is looking left and right; you are part of them, so don’t excuse yourself and please, come over with your friend who believes his destiny is to walk this life alone. I have a round table for us to talk over a cup of coffee, thank you.

Now that we are all seated, I want you to know that I understand perfectly, maybe largely because I’ve been there. I understand that people don’t seem to get you and they don’t handle this task as intensely and passionately as you would. You are amazing- and imagine life without an intense and passionate person- from where will the world’s greatest achievements and innovations come? However, have you considered being more gentle in communicating your passion? Maybe you need to be more gracious with others? Remember the Lord is gracious unto you.

Have you considered being more gentle in communicating your passion? Maybe you need to be more gracious with others? Remember the Lord is gracious unto you. Share on X

I know the disappointments that can come from man. You’ve had friends and they didn’t meet you right where you needed them; they didn’t help you meet certain needs. You had great expectations but you have been disappointed many times, so you have just decided to be on your own.  I don’t agree with that resolve; you were made for more and life is not just about you.

And pain. Can we talk about pain? You have been hurt so much that you are scared of being vulnerable with the ones you call your friends. But oh dear, it won’t take too long before they are frustrated and worn out because of a relationship that seems one-sided. No baby girl, love without fear and reservation. Love as the heavenly father loves you. Allow Him heal your pain totally. Enjoy the people God has given you; hurt is bound to happen but relax, even roses have thorns. God will protect your heart.

Can we talk about pain? You have been hurt so much that you are scared of being vulnerable with the ones you call your friends. Enjoy the people God has given you; hurt is bound to happen but relax, even roses have thorns. God will… Share on X

Oh no, I haven’t forgotten that it’s a habit for some. You have simply gotten used to walking alone, so it’s hard for you to seek the help of others. You want to handle that addiction alone; you can carry that burden alone. You have been doing it all your life so why not now? You have survived all these years, why not now? Even Jesus knows you are strong enough to handle it, right? Nope. Rest dear; that you have been doing something a particular way for a long time doesn’t necessarily mean it should remain that way.

That you have been doing something a particular way for a long time doesn’t necessarily mean it should remain that way. Share on X

To you, my lovely friend, who feels he/she is not cool enough or special,  or perceives himself/herself as that low key person everyone just comes to when they need something, re-think that dangerous mindset. ‘Oh well, at least they need me for something’. Ah! Please dears, friendship is not about ‘when people need me’. Its two way, and you deserve the blessedness of a two-way relationship. Stop setting yourself up for such agonizing positions.

To you, my lovely friend, who feels he/she is not cool enough or special, and everyone just comes to when they need something. Please dear, friendship is not about ‘when people need me’. Its two way, and you deserve the blessedness… Share on X

This world is difficult enough and even if it wasn’t, you are not designed to walk alone. You belong to a body. You have been placed here by God. Good friendships are part of the blessings from God; it can be blissful and lifting. While you shouldn’t be dependent on a human, interdependence is the balance. We need each other to survive.

This world is difficult enough to do alone. Good friendships are part of the blessings from God; it can be blissful and lifting. While you shouldn’t be dependent on a human, interdependence is the balance. We need each other to… Share on X

Open up your heart, God will bless you with the best.

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