Few days ago (January,15), Falz released a track and the internet went agog. While some applauded him for it, others bashed him, particularly because of his lyrics against prostitution, also referred to as transactional sex.
For those who may not know, transactional sex is what a sex worker does, offering sex in exchange for money.
The outrage was amusing because it is becoming glaring how serious the attack is on truth and morality. I saw some people’s comments, even some believers and it was not a pleasant sight at all.
There is no mincing words about it or trying to be politically correct, the Word of God is our standard in any case. Share on XThere is no mincing words about it or trying to be politically correct, the Word of God is our standard in any case.
On the subject of transactional sex, our standard as believers is sex within the boundary God has set – marriage. Share on XOn the subject of transactional sex, our standard as believers is sex within the boundary God has set – marriage. Sex isn’t a service to be offered. The body of a believer is the temple of God and not an open café. This view is not dependent on the year we are in or the economic situation or even what is permissible by the law.
Beyond just transactional sex, this was a wakeup call. Everywhere we turn now, the truth is being challenged and it is quite scary to find out how strong the opposition is. It is becoming difficult to choose the right thing without being called names and opposed greatly. The bad news is that it is not going to get any better. These are the last days.
I mean, people are asking questions like, how do you know God exists? How sure are you that the bible is reliable? Is God really anti-fornication or is it a cultural thing?
This sounds very similar to what happened in the garden when Satan asked Eve, “Did God really say…?” Her attempt to rationalize and compromise led her and the whole of mankind to the great fall and advent of sin and death.
All of these oppositions in a bid to challenge our faith, are orchestrated by the devil and are done vehemently. We also have to learn to be deeply rooted in God and stubborn (for lack of a better word) with our faith. God desires for us to be people who would stand for the truth regardless of the opposition and regardless of how unpopular the truth has become.
Like Paul admonished Timothy, “Hold on to the pattern of wholesome teaching you learned from me–a pattern shaped by the faith and love that you have in Christ Jesus…”
Do not deviate left or right. Do not seek to modify or compromise. Take the world of God the way it is and let your faith be tenaciously rooted in God.
Also, do not fall for the lie that you are the only one standing for God and for truth. When Elijah was depressed because he was weary of being surrounded by wicked people, God reminded him that there were 7000 others who hadn’t bowed to Baal! The trick of the devil is to make it look like you’re the only one on the side of God. Do not fall for it. We are plenty! Amen?
Also, you have to guard your eyes. People who fell away from the truth of God usually didn’t do it in a day. It was a gradual process. A little compromise here, a little more there and before you know it your version of truth is distorted
Be careful what you watch, listen to and read. Pay attention also to your association. Who are the people you are with? You need to intentionally guard your heart.
Finally, remember truth is not relative – whether it be with relationships or doctrines or values. Truth is as objectively seen in God’s Word. Share on XFinally, remember truth is not relative – whether it be with relationships or doctrines or values. Truth is as objectively seen in God’s Word. That is our standard all day, all year old.