
We Are One!


We are heirs of the Father
We are joint heirs with the Son
We are Children of God’s Kingdom
We are Family, We are One!

I was discoursing with Joy Shimite of @outburstmusicgroup about spiritual songs, especially how many Songs of our young age and Hymn are not being appreciated for the riches they hold simply because we have unconsciously given these songs a new meaning by singing them only at certain event.

For instance, you’d most likely hear “Oh come to the Father through Jesus the son and give Him the Glory, Great Things He Has Done” or “Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine” at a Wedding or Funeral Service. Now, Rather than dig into the songs’ riches, you’re simply reminded of the event.

I mean… if a song that has the Gospel imprinted into is properly defines a gospel song over defining it as a song sung by a Christian, then these are the real Gospel Songs Right? But I mean, what do I know?

Somewhere in our discussion, she began to sing… “we are heirs of the father”

See, there are many more songs we’ve thrown by the side with soo much riches injected into them by the song writer. To get your mind full of the heart of any song, be mindful of the words of the song. Don’t assume you know what it’s about; make sure you know.

Now, concerning the song, if you were anything like me then you know that we usually sing the song to probably round up a meeting and create a family bond in the room by singing it to one another with the holding of hands which isn’t wrong at all… but look at this lyric again and tell me that the song writer didn’t mean to inspire MORE…

We are heirs of the father
We are joint heirs with the son
We are Children of God’s Kingdom
We are Family, We are One!

Yes! We are Family with one another and that’s AWESOME! But oh boy!…

WE ARE Family with GOD! Heirs of the FATHER! Joint HEIR with THE SON! WE ARE ONE with THEM!

WE ARE Family with GOD! Heirs of the FATHER! Joint HEIR with THE SON! WE ARE ONE with THEM! Share on X

Heirs of the Father!? Joint Heirs with Jesus!? What privilege!!!
God bless this song writer for the reminder.

Yes, we are Family with one another but only because we are ALL first FAMILY TO GOD. By reason of our family-ness with Him, We are, with one another too.

The Family-Hood-Ness we even have with one another only holds weight because WE ARE FAMILY WITH GOD

Wohooooooooo! I’m getting too excited. I’m already inventing my own English. so I’m gonna end on this note!

WE (God/Jesus Christ/One Another) ARE ONE! Share on X

WE (God/Jesus Christ/One Another) ARE ONE!

Grace and Peace
Jo Deep

About author


Tolulope Oludapo is a young Christian who lends his voice through the media by sharing practical wisdom for everyday living in the most experiential and simplified fashion. This has fetched him the direct followership of over 30,000 users on his blog, A blog he founded. He loves to write on varying subjects that affect life, faith, relationship...everyday living.
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