Try to discover the road to success and you’ll seek but never find, But blaze your own path and the road to success will trail right behind. ~ Robert Brault
Hello friends, I welcome you to the second half of year 2016, am sure the year has been splendid thus far. Consciously make this second half a better one.
In this week session of IGNITE SERIES we will be focusing on how to reclaim the blunt edge. I will like to remind you that success grows from Inside-OUT. In order to avoid the mistakes you made in the first half of the year, you need a proper re-evaluation and adjustment.
I will like to share a story I came across with 3 years ago with you;
In a particular forest there were two lumberjacks (workers who cut and transport trees), one was old and the other was young. The younger one said that they should go into a contest to see who will cut down a particular number of trees first. The young man started cutting the trees vigorously with all his might without resting while the older one rested after cutting down each tree. At the end of the day the older man finished cutting the whole tree before the younger one. The young guy was curious and simply asked the old man, “I saw you resting after each tree, so how did you do it?” The old man replied “after cutting each tree I rested to sharpen my axe“.
The story above is a true life story; a lot of people are swinging with a dull axe because they have lost their sharp edge. You have to take a break to re-launch. Do you have time for personal prayers, do you take break to read books and learn. The power of preparation is so inevitable in the journey of success and especially for leaders, Bishop David Oyedepo once said and I quote “a vision without a mission brings about illusion”. In the same way a leader without a clear cut and well stated goals and objectives will be like a coalitions of lions lead by a sheep or a blind man leading a community of men with sight. To this end, the model leader should align personal values with organizational values in a way where he can reconcile any differences that may exist.
Hence in this half of the year, I want you to consciously carry out a self-evaluation survey so as to assess your current position. In the journey of life rest is a necessity. Rest re-calibrates your mind for greater exploits.
In this second half of the year choose to do the following;
- Take 100% responsibility for everything you experience in your life.
Starting from the choices you make, you are in full control of what happens in your life. Rest and recalibrate - Give up blaming.
Only failures blame others for their misfortunes. Don’t be like the man beside the pool, Jesus asked him what do you want? And he replied that it was others that didn’t allow him enter the turning water because they always enter before him at every of his attempts, what an excuse. Be in control of your life. Don’t blame anyone or your job for what happened in the first half of the year. - Control your thoughts
Your thought is the gateway to your life, so control it efficiently.
Jack Canfied gave a formula. E + R = O.
E= Events, R=Response to event. O= Outcome which depends on the R. From the equation we can see that our response to any situation will determine the outcome of our lives
No wonder Hartman said “Luck is when preparation meets opportunity“. Consciously prepare your mind for a glorious 2016 ending.
I am looking forward to seeing you next week, in the mean time, I‘ll love you to leave a comment. Have a productive week.
From your Coach.
I’m going to have a better half than the previous. Insightful and directive sir, Thank you.
Timely message! I like the idea of making ‘conscious’ decisions, and I enjoyed the ‘lumberjacks’ story. Indeed, we need to devote time to renewing ourselves in all areas of life.
Really Nice. Just what I need!