
7 Seemingly Insignificant Actions For Maximizing Prayer Time

Maximizing prayer time, as important as it is, is a difficult feat for many believers. And this is not out of a lack of interest or the understanding of the importance of prayer.

It is because we have an enemy who understands the power of prayer and goes to any lengths to throw distractions in our way to stop us from praying or make the little time we spend ineffective.

In this light, here are seven (7) seemingly insignificant actions for maximizing your prayer time:

We have an enemy who understands the power of prayer and goes to any lengths to throw distractions in our way to stop us from praying or make the little time we spend ineffective. Share on X

1. Stop everything else

Multi tasking (praying while doing other things) is one of the greatest enemies of prayer. Five minutes of uninterrupted prayer is more effective than 30 mins of a distracted prayer time.

Remember the definition of an effective prayer according to James 5:16 is an “heartfelt” prayer. It is pretty difficult to have a heartfelt prayer when you are combining it with other things.

Yes, there will be times where you’ll have to pray under your breath while doing other things, but as much as possible, stop everything else and just pray.

2. Put your phone aside

We all can agree how much of a distraction our phone poses to us – while praying, you find yourself scrolling through Instagram or checking WhatsApp status. Do you wanna get more from your prayer time? Drop your phone once it’s time to pray.

This is very similar to the first point, but I just felt it needs a special mention.

Do you wanna get more from your prayer time? Drop your phone once it’s time to pray. Share on X

3. Pray out loud

Have you noticed that you tend to concentrate or focus more on something when you speak out loud? For instance, you tend to vocalize your reading when you see that you are losing concentration. The same works for prayer.

Our mind tends to wander around more when we are praying just in our mind. So pray out loud, and you’ll see that your mind will wander less.

I understand that you need to be mindful of your environment, but when you are all by yourself and when you can be loud, pray out loud, it helps.

4. Sit up/stand up

Dozing off is a common occurrence that accompanies prayer, and this is often because of our prayer posture. If you lie down on your bed or place your head on a table while praying, you’re most likely going to sleep off.

Are you interested in maximizing your prayer time? Do you want to make more out of your prayer time? Take a posture that will ensure you are active. Stand up, walk around, sit upright.

Are you interested in maximizing your prayer time? Do you want to make more out of your prayer time? Take a posture that will ensure you are active. Share on X

5. Set a daily fixed time to pray

You’re less likely to pray if you leave it to chance. Things always come up, and when you’re finally chanced, you’re tired. So setting a fixed time you’ll pray everyday without fail is a huge piece of wisdom that can help you pray more.

Carefully think through your day, pick a time you are still very alert and your mind won’t be bugged by pending to-dos.

Now that you have the time, set multiple reminders and alarms to remind you. Remember, the goal here is to leave nothing to chance.

6. Set a fix length/duration for your prayer

There is so much wisdom in planning versus spontaneity. Planning to pray for 30 minutes is better than just starting and hoping to pray long enough.

What setting a duration does for you is to hold you accountable to make that the minimum length you’ll pray. Of course, you don’t have to stop when the time runs out but at least you won’t fall for the temptation to stop before time regardless of difficulties or distractions.

7. Never miss your prayer time. Do one of these alternatives if interested in maximizing your prayer time.

Habit is a powerful thing, and habits are formed by a consistent repeated action. The more you don’t miss your prayer time, the better you are for the next time.

It is like showing up to the gym everyday. You build your muscle and you are able to do more next time. Once you miss a day or period, there is often a relapse.

Habit is a powerful thing, and habits are formed by a consistent repeated action. The more you don’t miss your prayer time, the better you are for the next time. Share on X

And there you have it; seven seemingly insignificant actions for maximizing your prayer time. So anytime you’re facing some difficulty while praying, try one of the alternatives shared HERE Alternatives to Prayer When You Don’t Feel Like Praying.

Do you have other tips? Please share in the comment section.

You can also read “Helpful Tips from My Struggle To Maintain a Steady Bible Study/Prayer Routine“.

About author


Tolulope Oludapo is a young Christian who lends his voice through the media by sharing practical wisdom for everyday living in the most experiential and simplified fashion. This has fetched him the direct followership of over 30,000 users on his blog, A blog he founded. He loves to write on varying subjects that affect life, faith, relationship...everyday living.
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