
Sexual Compatibility: Fact or Fiction

I really love how open the world is becoming in regards to discussions on sex. I believe sex should not be treated as taboo, rather wholesome discussions about sex must be had. However, it is apparent that the world we now live in has become hyper-sexual. There seems to be an agenda to sexualize everything, including famous superhero franchises like Super Man.

Within the barrage of sexual themes, one term has become really popular and it is the term Sexual Compatibility.

Sexual Compatibility is when both parties are satisfied with their sexual experience and have the same shared set of needs. I would really love to know your opinion about Sexual Compatibility, but I would love to say what I feel about it first.

Sexual Compatibility is when both parties are satisfied with their sexual experience and have the same shared set of needs. Share on X

As a married man, I have tested the waters, eaten of the apple tree (and whatever other weird euphemisms you want to come up with for sex). Speaking from an experiential point of view, I believe Sexual Compatibility is a myth.

Sexual Compatibility is the reason why most people now seek to explore sex outside marriage. The idea of this is to confirm if sex with their partner makes them feel good. I make bold to declare to you that fornication is still a sin, regardless of your reasons.

There is a reason sex perfectly fits into the fabric of the marital relationship and that is because like almost everything done in marriage, it is a sacrificial act. Unlike sex outside marriage where people just want to see if they derive enough pleasure, sex in marriage considers the needs of your partner above yours.

To be honest, you have a better chance of reaching a point of ‘sexual compatibility’ if you have honest, open conversations about sexual expectations, before jumping into a bed with someone. It is all about compromise, ‘what can I do?’ or ‘what can I let go of?’ for the sake of pleasing my partner.

Unlike sex outside marriage where people just want to see if they derive enough pleasure, sex in marriage considers the needs of your partner above yours. Share on X

Sex in marriage comes with a lot of consideration. You would learn to realize that there are bad times to request for sex, because you would be selfish to do so (e.g at that time of the month, really if you don’t get it, kindly forget about it). You must learn to read body signals and moods.

The probability that you would wound up with someone that matches your sex drive and shares the same sexual tastes as you all the time, is almost next to zero and sadly this is what Sexual Compatibility is defined as. For this reason, I do not believe in the conception Sexual Compatibility, but I do believe that more conversations should be had about sex and sexual expectations before marriage.

You have a better chance of reaching a point of ‘sexual compatibility' if you have honest, open conversations about sexual expectations, before jumping into a bed with someone. Share on X

What is your opinion on Sexual Compatibility?


About author


A man helped by God, who tells evocative stories.
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