
Tag Your Habits: Procrastination

Lately, I have been doing a lot of trial and error, trying to find the most suitable morning routine and activities to fit into my daily schedules so I can achieve much in a day. Has it been easy? Of course, no. It felt hard enough to continue at some point. I started with my morning routines first (still working on it).

I started by setting a specific wake up time with things outlined to do immediately I wake up. However,  instead of waking up at that time which I usually effortlessly do on a normal day, I found myself snoozing like I worked overnight ???

When I eventually get up, I have to run a marathon through my routines, therefore, giving me the illusion of getting the job done with the purpose of each defeated.

Procrastination is pretty much the easiest habit to form without trying, and hard to break even with “conscious efforts”.

I have procrastinated on so many things, from the writing of this post to finishing it. It’s not something I am proud of, but it’s something I am working on.

Have you ever wanted to do something that you need daylight for and pushed it, then eventually have to race against the dusk and hurt your eyes madly so as to get it done before dark? That’s what procrastination can do to you. If you think you need to enjoy this moment now and do stuff later, imagine

If you think you need to enjoy this moment now and do stuff later, imagine not having ‘the later time ‘ to do it.

The best mentality I have adopted is to put a price tag on your time– if your time is worth $100 an hour, you won’t waste it on things that won’t push you towards your targets and goals.

Be your own accountant general for your time and don't pay yourself for wasted times. Share on X

“When you put a name tag with a price on your habits, it will help you choose wisely which to adopt and which to do away with.”

Ofure Vyncent Aigbefo

What is that HABIT for you? Write about it and send it to and we’ll publish it on our community page; ???

Read also;

20 Things You Must Do in 2017

Living Deliberately

About author


Tolulope Oludapo is a young Christian who lends his voice through the media by sharing practical wisdom for everyday living in the most experiential and simplified fashion. This has fetched him the direct followership of over 30,000 users on his blog, A blog he founded. He loves to write on varying subjects that affect life, faith, relationship...everyday living.
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