

20160118092351I was made to show up when its night time
Stay where I am till I hear the bell chime
Hold on to what’s available till I have what’s mine
Probably smiling while I’m waiting on the line

Now that’s a lot
I keep turning back like the wife of Lot
Turning into different pillars of salt
I feel like God’s saying, “this is all your fault”

But no, God isn’t saying that
He gives me faith to quench those fiery darts
Before our adversary screams “Bullseye ?”

I know I’ve failed, I know I’ve sinned
They tell me to plan, but I don’t know how to
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? They ask
But I’m not even sure of tomorrow
So I lose that job, I drown in sorrow
My heart keeps telling me “you failed bro”
But God is bigger than my heart, He tells me “don’t worry bro”

I mean if He lives in me, won’t He furnish me
Set my table in the presence of my enemy
He died and rose, day 1 2 3
I’m at the rooftop screaming “I am free”

Once darkness covered the earth
The Son arose and it’s daytime now
A phenomenon is about to happen
Someone is coming in between the Son and the Earth
You’ve all been warned, don’t look directly at the Son, use the living water if you have to or the shade ? at your right hand if you want to.

Its The Eclipse Of The Son!

This is a publicity stunt on a book that is about to be published; to read more excerpt; click below [wp-svg-icons icon=”point-down” wrap=”i”]


My Insec(YOU)rities
c-LOUD (1)
NAKED (neɪ kɪd)

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Tolulope Oludapo is a young Christian who lends his voice through the media by sharing practical wisdom for everyday living in the most experiential and simplified fashion. This has fetched him the direct followership of over 30,000 users on his blog, A blog he founded. He loves to write on varying subjects that affect life, faith, relationship...everyday living.
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