Its God’s commandment to love, how come we’ve forgotTEN?
Know that a female pig is a sow? Sow dirty, it feels like the bride after man’s fall to the ground like seeds planted by the riverside. Sow muddy, soil loamy, feels lonely, it’s all dark and gloomy. Worst of all, dirty!
Have you seen? Does that feel like sin? Are your weaknesses making you feel un(WAR)thy? Maybe the feeling of going down is just the seed being planted.
Any surprise that the planter still is the light, the water and the air you need to grow. And that because of the fall, you were born in death? No surprise that Car-born-die-oxide is, needed for photo-SIN-thesis. Get the picture? God is light, his word water, his breath, air.
Do you know that plants grow towards the direction of the rays from the Son(Sun) Jesus?! Phototropism!
Could the rays from the sun(Son) be the reason for my dark skin? Of course! Same way I go off course, in search of my own nutrients only to be weighed down by racism. If I’m the fig then branching out could be why the fig leaves. With No access to chlorophyll, being judged by the colour of my skin must be how I feel. That must be a big void that only God can fill!
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Written by SotAfta
Facebook: Okenwa igbokwe
Twitter: @okenwaigbokwe
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Great poetic conduct. I’ll read it over.
Mind boggling piece.
Sotafta is my friend *smiles*
Niceaboutiece. You should make a lyrical video for better understanding. It is a really cool piece..loved the line about the feeling of going down being the need to be planted. Welldone!
*nice piece..keypad be playing games with me
I must be in that video :D… amazing write up bro.
Thanks y’all. So grateful for you taking out time to be blessed by this short piece. God bless you guys.
Aye homie that’s wazzup…
Profoundly amazing. Thumbs up sir