

After deciding to stop lending alms to street beggars due to many mind poisoning stories heard about their dubious schemes, I finally keyed in my decision. A particular one was about a popular Lagos street beggar. Owning many real estates (properties) from begging, leaving me to wonder if these people are really poor. If it just a business or another venture to bring food to the table.  Their ridiculous pretence and act of exploiting those that considered it a necessity to care to make it a bit hard.

After a while, I decided to be open-minded and return to doing the act of kindness when I read the various account of Jesus instructing people to give to the poor…And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”…and the most obvious of these classes are the street beggars.

But unfortunately, I’m back to my sceptic state. There is this woman at a park where I’ve been boarding for about a year now. She has been there giving the very same pitiful story of been “jazzed”. How she’s from a particular tribe that doesn’t beg but she’s just doing it to pay for her surgery at UCH. Which she will be doing the following week. It’s been over 52 weeks now and she’s still there.

The last time I boarded a bus there, I saw her unpacking a brand new phone I believe was just bought by her.

Begging has gotten so bad that the city street is filled with kid beggars. They are always there, morning till night. Running after every passer-by, dragging their shirt, holding their hand asking for 10 nairas.

Funny how Jesus said, “You will always have the poor among you“.

Am I to give everyone that portray themselves as being “poor/needy?” Jesus said “giving to the least in our midst equals to giving to Him” an act that portrays God’s love born in our hearts. Am I to just hand out the naira note without asking any question? Or do I quit giving street beggars and go through a registered charity organisation when I’m sure my money is going to someone that really needs it?

Not giving because I think every beggar isn’t genuine will be an excuse I’m sure won’t be tenable when I finally face Jesus at the judgment.

I am really confused.

One thing I do presently is trust my heart. Sometimes I feel deep pity for the fellow and I give, but other times, I am not even moved a bit. What I feel will be more of resentment and therefore I don’t give. ‎

What do you think is it best to do?

Kindly contribute.

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