
Ways To Have Fun In A Godly Relationship

Being a Christian should not stop you from having fun in your relationship. In fact, there are many nonsexual and cost-effective ways to have fun in a godly relationship and to show how much you care for your partner. With a bit of creativity and planning, you can set the stage for greater intimacy. 

Without further ado, here are 15 ways to have fun in a godly relationship:

1. Participate in thrilling activities

Thrilling activities create wonderful memories between partners. Participating in the same sports or attending concerts together bring you two closer together, make you laugh and non verbally say, “I love you.”

Being a Christian should not stop you from having fun in your relationship. In fact, there are many nonsexual and cost-effective ways to have fun in a godly relationship and to show how much you care for your partner.  Share on X

2. Get your partner a gift

When it comes to getting gifts in a relationship, it’s not just about buying something new for your partner. It involves trying to know what your partner likes and getting it for them. Don’t get this wrong, you don’t have to go beyond what you can afford. Just something they can cherish.

3. Send romantic text messages

Who doesn’t like being reminded about how awesome they are? Definitely, not your partner. Sending your partner romantic text messages is one of the ways to have fun in a godly relationship.

Participating in the same sports or attending concerts together bring you two closer together, make you laugh and non verbally say, “I love you.” Share on X

 Just imagine the smile on your partner’s face when they read romantic text messages from you. Priceless, right?

4. Send love letters

As archaic as this may sound, writing and sending love letters to your partner can be a great way to spice up your relationship.

It shows that you had to go the extra mile to make them smile. The letter could contain a wish for your or short Bible verses to motivate them in a new week or new month.

5. Involve them in your plans

Involving your partner in your daily, weekly or monthly pans is another excellent way to have fun in a godly relationship. Both of you get to share ideas and opinions on specific issues. At times, your partner could also help you arrive at more brilliant steps towards achieving a goal. Seeing one another succeed at the end of the day is one way of building intimacy.

As archaic as this may sound, writing and sending love letters to your partner can be a great way to spice up your relationship. Share on X

6. Facetime often

Facetiming your partner often is another way to have fun in a godly relationship. It is even more important when the both of you don’t see each other often or yours is a long-distance relationship. 

There are many ways to facetime your partner – via WhatsApp video calls, zoom meeting, Google Meet, Skype, or other forms of video calls that suits both of you.

7. Play games together

This is another way to have fun in a godly relationship. Look for a game/games you both enjoy, play as opponents or play together as a team against another team. In addition, you can visit game stores, and you can play games over the internet. There are quite a lot of game apps for couples.

Learning new skills with your partner is an excellent way of spicing up the relationship. By doing this, you get to watch each other try out something new. Share on X

8. Visiting unique places together

This involves going to special places that resonate with both of you. You can visit an art gallery, a museum, a newly opened store, amusement parks and more. Activities like these create memories that will last forever.

9. Dress-up

Everyone likes to see their partner look good or look better than the last time they saw them. Playing dress-up for your partner involves spicing up your looks.

You can spice up your looks by putting on something new and more classy for your next date or by doing your hair differently.

10. Praying together

Praying together as partners involves seeking God’s face together. There are several open places where you and your partner can pray together.

 You can pray together in a church or over the phone too. The prayer could be for you, your partner or your future as a married couple. Just pray together.

11. Go on group dates

Group dates involve spending time with other couples. You stand a chance of gaining new experiences and learning new things when you go on group dates.

Praying together as a dating couple is a good way to increase intimacy as a couple. Share on X

12. Spend quality time with each other’s families

Spending quality time with each other’s families is an excellent way of having fun in a godly relationship.  It allows the two of you to know each other’s families and way of life. You also get to know little or much about each other’s childhood experiences.

13. Learn new skills together

Learning new skills with your partner is an excellent way of spicing up the relationship. By doing this, you get to watch each other try out something new. Taking music classes together, for instance, is an excellent way of having fun in a godly relationship.

14. Taking pictures for each other 

Taking pictures of yourself and sending them to your partner afterwards is a great way to increase your level of intimacy. 

You could take a picture before going to work, during your break time at work or before going to bed at night. 

15. Reverse roles

Switching roles is a sporadic way of having fun in a relationship. It is so romantic! For example, the guy has the primary role of planning dates and asking the lady out, but it can also be fun when roles are reversed. As a lady, you can surprise your partner by planning an entire date.

Taking pictures of yourself and sending them to your partner afterwards is a great way to increase your level of intimacy.  Share on X

Sustaining a godly relationship may be challenging, coupled with the fact that there are many immoral and ungodly activities in the society. Still, it is possible to have one and have fun without involving yourself in sexual activities. 

If you think everyone is having sex in their relationship, you can read Not Everyone is Having Sex Before Marriage – Laju Iren and if you’re battling with sexual sins, check these Five Ways to Fight Sexual Sin.
Written by Olajumoke Fakuade

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