
Where is God in a Coronavirus World?

You may be asking Where is God in a coronavirus world? just like the man I overheard a man say over the radio who said: “God is angry and so He has put out the Coronavirus so that he can bring people closer to Him”.

Someone close to me also said – “It’s because of the sin of the world. There’s too much sin”. Another even said, “It’s because China’s sins are so enormous and they don’t acknowledge God, but idols. God has chosen to deal with them and teach them a lesson”.

As logical these emotional statements sound, it’s all false. It’s a very ignorant way of describing God. Why then did He (God) go all the way to become a man and die for men if He would later kill these same men that He died for? If that’s really how He is, then why worship a ‘killer God’?

That God will punish mankind with sickness or any disaster is against the sole purpose of why He came. Let’s imagine a police officer who stood in the way and took a bullet for a man. This landed him in a coma for almost a year. Upon his healing, he hunted this same man down and killed him. Is that not stupid? I’m sure you would be annoyed if you ever saw a movie like that.

In the same vein – a God that died for men is then found killing the same man He died for? Such a paradox. You see, no matter who says what, no matter any man’s experience, vision or thought, once it is not consistent with the truth of God’s word- it can be discarded. We must stop seeing God as we see idols; Sango, Ogun, Obatala, or like an earthly king, ruler, or boss.

God doesn’t operate as they do. A herbalist for example, upon believing the gospel, may find it hard not to see God as the sango he worshipped. Some still think God is like a higher version of their mean boss at work who would deduct a percentage from their salary just because they drank too much from the water dispenser.

That is not God. He is gracious.

No matter who says what, no matter any man's experience, vision or thought, once it is not consistent with the truth of God's word- it can be discarded. Share on X

Logically, killing people does not draw them closer to the killer? That’s folly. It’s the height of insincerity.

Some people have asked didn’t He do something similar in the Old Testament text of the Bible?

No, he didn’t. There’s a lot to explain on this, but, let’s examine what Pastor Tokunbo Adejuwon said on this (I believe it simplifies things):

“There are many verses in the Old Testament scriptures where it seems as though, God placed sickness upon people but, we must not forget that the Bible is progressive revelation. Hence, it must be read together. The New Testament is in the Old Testament concealed, and the Old Testament is in the New Testament revealed. The Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew and Aramaic language, and in the original texts, it was never in the causative tense that God puts sickness on anyone. It was always in the permissive tens.  The reason He permitted it was obvious. Man is a free moral agent.”

Bible is progressive revelation. Hence, it must be read together. The New Testament is in the Old Testament concealed, and the Old Testament is in the New Testament revealed. Share on X

We could go into a rigorous explanation to show that God never caused sickness on anyone in the Old Testament, but the above quote has summarized it.

But since God knows, why didn’t he stop it? 

You see, like Pastor Tokunbo said, “It is always in the permissive tense and not the causative tense.”

In essence, God’s foreknowledge (like my pastor, Pastor Steven Tijesuni, explained) is not to force nor utter things. God’s foreknowledge is like that of a parent/elderly person who would see the mistake of their ward/younger one and say, “Hmm, you will fall sick.”, or -in the case of a child who plays a lot- “You will get hurt.” Now, these wards are not saying they will inflict the child with sickness, nor are they saying that they will force him to do/change anything. Based on their experience and wisdom, these wards have observed the children’s actions and have a broad idea of the possible outcomes. God created man- not as a robot that He’d enforce something on, but as a free moral agent. Man has to choose.

God created man- not as a robot that He'd enforce something on, but as a free moral agent. Man has to choose. Share on X

Let’s examine more scriptures:

In James 1:18, he wrote (paraphrased) “…God cannot be tempted with evil, neither does he tempt any man” God simply doesn’t tempt any man to try and bring him closer, not with sin, not with sickness, and definitely not with death.

God cannot be tempted with evil, neither does he tempt any man .God simply doesn't tempt any man to try and bring him closer, not with sin, not with sickness, and definitely not with death. Share on X

Does God want men closer to him? Definitely. But not by threatening them with sickness, death or a deadly virus. No, not at all.

1 Timothy 2:3-4 “…this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who will have all men to be saved…”Clearly, his plan is to save men (by the Gospel), that’s why he died. Not to kill men. James 1:17: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the father of lights, with whom there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning”. This verse, when translated originally and in context means that: Every intention of God who’s the giver of the gift (which is complete and finished gift, hence needs no input of the receiver) is without any form of hide and seek. His plan for the unbeliever is to save him, and for the believer – that he grow in knowledge.

God's plan for the unbeliever is to save him, and for the believer - that he grow in knowledge. Share on X

Some have said God placed these ailments on them and wants doctors to heal then. Such height of hypocrisy and ignorance! If it is God, should you not pray for more of it? Why then do you desire healing? God doesn’t inflict sickness on anyone, he rather wants the sick healed.

Who is behind the virus?

Yes, man, the free moral agent! Why did God allow it? Simple, man is a being of choice, not a robot. Again, God’s foreknowledge is permissive and not causative.

Where is God in a coronavirus world?

Simple, He’s right in the centre, healing the sick and raising the dead. Jesus is God in human form, when He became a man, He revealed God’s person in His way of life. He is the perfect representation and revelation of God: God’s very image. In essence, like Pastor Tokunbo Adejuwon puts it, “We don’t really see God as He really is, until we come into the New Testament/Covenant.” In Christ Jesus’ actions, we see what God wills. Let’s examine Matthew 14:14, 20:34 and Mark 1:41-42 to see how Jesus’ response to the sick in compassion.

Maybe you’re thinking – WHAT ABOUT JOB?

Well, God-like I said earlier- is revealed in Christ, and He’s a permissive agent and not causative. Anyways, if we examine Job’s life, we’ll see that God NEVER asked Him to offer any sacrifice. Job only thought it would be nice to offer sacrifices (Job 1:5). It was his choice/doing, not God’s request at all. Like Hebrews 10:1-6 puts it – God has no pleasure in burnt offerings and sacrifices. Men like Job only offered sacrifices in their sin consciousness.

Read more about Job HERE 

God never asked for it. God is not a vampire who sucks blood to be satisfied. He’s not an idol. Christ has been offered once and for all. (Hebrews 10:10,17-18, 2 Corinthians 5:21)

God is not a vampire who sucks blood to be satisfied. He's not an idol. Share on X

Now, back to Job. His afflictions were caused by the devil. It was not a family meeting between God and the devil. The writer of Job is only using allegories (we mustn’t forget that the writers also grew in knowledge, which is why we must read the Bible together), but we see God’s intention in verse 12  – “…Satan…all he hath is in thy power…only upon himself put not forth thine hand…” (Job 1:12).

Here, the writer simply is explaining how Satan rules material things of this world and how God’s authority is upon the soul of the believer, where nothing can touch it. So, Job’s sickness and calamities were by the devil. Job interestingly realized this in Job 42:3 where he said: “…I have uttered that I understood not, things too wonderful for me, which I knew not…”.

Hence, he realized it was the devil and admitted that all he had said -from chapter one- was in ignorance. Paul also understood this, that circumstances or issues of life would arise, so he wrote in Romans 8:35-39, that no sickness, famine, persecutions and so on can separate us from God’s love! So, God’s intention in diseases and calamities is restitution and healing, just as he restored Job’s health and wealth (Job 42:10,12).

God's intention in diseases and calamities is restitution and healing, just as he restored Job's health and wealth (Job 42:10,12) Share on X

“Jesus was God manifest in the flesh and he NEVER puts sickness on anyone. He always healed the sick who looked to him for healing. He NEVER turned anyone down. Healing is ALWAYS God’s will for the sick.” (Pastor Tokunbo Adejuwon).

Like Pastor Segun Onayinka said, “If you say it’s God that released the virus, then you’re saying that ALL the doctors finding the cure are against God?”

Therefore beloved, don’t be deceived nor afraid. Where is God in a coronavirus world? God is where He is has always been -in Christ, in the believer and His will therein is to save men -in this case- to heal.

Where God is in all this is where He has always been -in Christ, in the believer and His will therein is to save men -in this case- to heal. Share on X

So, as you stay safe, taking precautions, don’t be ignorant of God’s healing power. Don’t stop praying. Don’t prioritize visions and experiences over the truth of God’s word.

Thank you for reading ‘Where is God in a coronavirus world?’ We will like to know your thoughts or questions in the comment session.

Read Investigating Job – Does God Inflict People with Sickness or Death?

How I know Coronavirus (COVID- 19) is NOT from God

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Written by Samson Adeyemi

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