Haven’t you noticed that the very little instructions are the hardest to keep? People just find it difficult to obey them.
On entering an event center, you see boldly displayed “KINDLY SWITCH OFF YOUR MOBILE PHONE” and some people go further to display it on the multimedia screen but still, you will hear a phone ring before the event is over, I always wonder why.
Why is it so hard to keep the very little instructions, “switch off your electronic devices when not in use”, “flush the toilet after use”, “stand up/still while the national anthem is being sung”. The list is endless.
I heard the story of a written interview, where the applicants where given a question booklet, answer sheets, pen to write with, but were given a very short time to attempt the test. The instructions filled 3 pages and the interview question one, almost all raced directly to the question page, ignoring the first instruction on the cover page to “READ THE INSTRUCTION CAREFULLY BEFORE ATTEMPTING THE TEST”. It turned out that they were just to submit the answer sheet blank. But they all failed.
I imagine how much we have been victims of finding it hard to keep simple instructions. Sometimes the repercussion can be very grievous, like losing a job you could have gotten without shedding a sweat or having a whole house burned down, even to losing a life. I am sure most ghastly motor accidents or even airplane crashes may be as a result of disobeying simple instructions.

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I think we often see ourselves as exceptions to the rule. We think: “nice rule but it must be for others, I can handle this, I am careful enough to be on the phone and drive at the same time”… Tragedies can seem very distant and we never realize that we do the same things that caused some other person ruin.
Hmmm…you have a strong point there Yemi. Could it be being “too positive”?
I think we are just full of ourselves,thinking we are too big to obey simple instructions. I’m guilty of dis too but I’ve decided to change after I’ve read dis. Tnks Tolu.
Yeah, you are right. We think “these rules are not for me”. Then who are they for? Thank You Titilope for taking out time to post this comment 🙂
One of d major reasons this happens is that, people don’t take time to understand personally d importance of such instructions and what effect, if violated. When we understand the purposes of these instructions and consequences of violation, we wl obey them.
Right. Very true. i guess we have to ask ourselves from henceforth why those rules came to being in the first place. Thank you
This is very true.
Often times, these simple instructions seem very negligible and can easily be shoved aside.
I think a conscious effort to obey instructions at all times and also, promptly would help.
True, thanks Olufisayo
We humans tend to overlook instructions because we believe they are clichés. it’s like “flush after use” and there’s a reply of “what will they say before?” We’ve taken them for granted like knowing the sky is above us all but no one cares about it, its just meant to be there.
Well spoken “Toria. it seems we’ve gotten too familiar with them that we don’t see them as anything we can’t handle or something worth taking note of anymore. Thank you
Yes, you can call it being ‘too positive’. We should be very positive people, but we should also consciously realize that the positive outcomes we hope for demand that we take certain responsibilities amongst which is ‘obeying simple instructions’.
I think a lot of people are actually complaisant these rules because there are no immediate consequence taking for their action.. The saying goes dat instructions are a high way to distinctions. Please I urge everyone to heedto instruction. They actually are nt meant to harm us but guide to become better people or to even achieve better results in life. Think on these things..
Hmm…You are right Stanley, because they do not come with an immediate consequence in no way makes it less important. and they are indeed guide. (y)
If we look at things from d angle of a pilot we wld see dt its impossible to fly successfully without adhering to instructions..we r in a country where d pple dt make d law break it freely n do not show a good example for others to follow..Following basic instructions in life is deeply rooted in our attitude to life n our understanding.Just like d holy book says, “people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”
Following basic instructions in life is deeply rooted in our attitude to life n our understanding. This is a statement worthy of noting. Thank you Adeyemi
Yeah dis is one of the biggest problem we face in our day to day life. I feel its because we want an easy way out or we want to stand as being “SUPER”. I did wat dey said we shd nt do.
Looool…super indeed. I guess we have to redefine “SUPER”. Thank you
well,in one way or the order we are all victim of such.This is because at times we may not read well when reading instructions, thinking we got d scope of what is on ground and eventually fall for it.This is because routine instruction might change over time.
Yeah, I think assumption or having gotten too familiar to the whole process impedes us from attaching any significant importance to any further encounter with those same processes or instructions. Thanks for contributing. I am really hoping to see more of you around here.
Quite very correct, everything that has been posted. To add my own bit, I think that a fundamental problem is impatience. It is something that follows most of us. A guy gets in a bus and is telling the driver to move off because he’s in a hurry. what should happen to the empty seats; would you give him the money? This is the same attitude we take into exam halls and find that we don’t read instructions.
There may be many ways out of impatience, however, if you ask me, I recommend the bible as way out. Stay with the word and see patience being built in you. Selah!