In my previous post “Que sarah, sarah! Ohh Sorry!!!” I showed how success is achieved by acting. But not all actions end in success. Ever heard the popular saying ”Your thoughts become your life experiences ”.
I will be sharing a simple and effortless key for achieving success in every area of life. Effortless because it costs you nothing, material and otherwise. It is called THINKING.
Taking Proverbs 23:7a literally. “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he”. A man’s life experiences are a product of his thought.
Our thought is like the programming language of our life experience; whatever we input there determines what the “output” of life becomes. Just like they say “garbage in, garbage out”.
Our thought is like the programming language of our life experience; whatever we input there determines what the “output” of life becomes Share on X
Life feeds us what we demand in our thought, consciously or unconsciously, regardless of our actions. Isn’t it funny how a student prepares so well for an exam but because He/She was so afraid (thought) of failure ends up failing the exam, He/She did not plan to fail but demanded failure by constantly hosting the thought.
Life feeds us what we demand in our thought, consciously or unconsciously, regardless of our actions. Share on XProverbs 4:23 (NCV) Be careful what you think because your thoughts run your life.
Most people blame the devil for in the event of a mishap, just like in the case of Job and the devil was not the cause of Job’s demise but his inability to control his thought.
(Job 3:25) “For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, and what I dreaded has happened to me”.
What you think runs your life, you cannot have a different result in life from what you think.
In case you fall in and out of the hospital, you may say “I don’t think about sick”, but maybe you’ve seen falling sick as something normal, that you cannot avoid. Or you think “As long as I’m human, I should fall sick once in a while”.
That is it right there is you allowing sickness in your thought even when you may not be thinking about it directly but you don’t think otherwise.
The reason you are broke is not that your income is small but you have measured yourself in your thought to the level of your income or the economy of your state, think rich and you will see God bring supplies to you from everywhere.
God cannot act without you agreeing with Him in your mind (thought). Even Abraham had to see things from God’s view (change his thoughts) before He had a son at old age.
God cannot act without you agreeing with Him in your mind (thought). Share on XGenesis 15:5-6 5 Then He brought him outside and said, “Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.” And He said to him, “So shall your descendants be.” 6 And he believed God…
If you will start thinking possibilities, you will soon be surrounded by them. Think health, regardless of your present health condition, think rich regardless of the amount in your bank account. Never forget that your thoughts become your life experiences.
Think health, regardless of your present health condition, think rich regardless of the amount in your bank account. Share on XKeep vigilant watch over your heart; that’s where life starts. “For as you think in your heart, so are you” Proverbs 4:23 & Proverbs 23:7
Welcome to a life with no limit as you start thinking without limits.
How To Judge God From Bad Desires will be useful in cultivating great thoughts.