
WORSHIP TOOLS 103 – with David Nkennor

Faith is perhaps the most powerful element of our worship. New Testament worship is found on this five-letter word. FAITH gives substance to our worship. FAITH makes your worship worth it.

WORSHIP TOOLS 103 – with David Nkennor Share on X

Recall that the 6th verse of the 11th chapter of the epistle to the Hebrews says that “without faith it is impossible to please God”.

Whenever I read this verse, it becomes clearer to me that it is very possible to have a ‘fantastic’ Praise/Worship Session where everyone is pleased except GOD Himself! “For he that comes to HIM must believe that HE is…”

What you believe cannot be separated from the words you speak or sing (as the case may be). Jesus said to us, that we will have whatsoever we say if we believe. I could teach faith from several angles, but be sure to remember that if we all fully believe what we speak & sing about in worship, tremendous power will be made available EVERYTIME & our lives will never be the same. Shalom!

REFERENCES FOR FURTHER STUDY: Mark 11:23, Hebrews 11:6

David Nkennor is a seasoned Worship-Leader and Songwriter that combines an electric stage performance with a spirit-filled delivery of Worship.


Website: Twitter: @davidnkennor Instagram: @davidnkennor Facebook: David Nkennor


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Tolulope Oludapo is a young Christian who lends his voice through the media by sharing practical wisdom for everyday living in the most experiential and simplified fashion. This has fetched him the direct followership of over 30,000 users on his blog, A blog he founded. He loves to write on varying subjects that affect life, faith, relationship...everyday living.
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