Cookoorookoo!!! The cock yells
And in my room that sound dwells
Rising up to the beauty of dawn,
I let out a mouth-splitting yawn.
All the chatting, rattling and noise in the street,
Uncanny sounds, more than the ears meet;
Blocking them all out I should
Ear plugs and my cold, bare palms would do no good.
Yet, still so patient!
The cares, burdens, sinking weights and relationships of all kind
Rock and threaten to capsize the ship of my mind,
For solace’s sake, all directions I look
Even burying my head in my hands which wield a Nook®
Yet, still so patient!
Finally, it’s stopped!
A pin would resonate with a “cling” in my mind if dropped
Striving now to listen to the voice I recognize
Even with the sneaky noises seeking rise
Yet, still so patient!
From the comforts of the succulent mattress I flee,
To the arms of one who always I long to see,
Losing my desires daily to His
Faith, hope and love; longing for these
Yet, still so patient!
His love whose depths run deeper than the Pacific
And I yearning to swim at the deep end, so terrific!
Find myself splashing away at the shallow
O yes, splashing the water when all it is, is bellow
Yet still so patient
Wading in the quick-sand of sin
And swaddled in dirty sheets, my soul grows thin
Sighting the sufferings, slaughters and killings
Lord, please take from me these sad feelings
O yes, still so patient
This hunger and thirst for you
And your commands and judgments will I hold true
Each day as my prayers rise with a fragrance
And succumb to heaven’s drums in glorious dance
O yes still so patient
Your word, the anchor which keep my feet and toes
From being swept away on the arms of lustful tornadoes
Your word have I hid in my heart
So that to sin I’ll say, “I won’t do that!”
Yet, still so patient
And in all trials and loss
I’ll look to the cross,
Even when friends and family desert me
I’ll stick to the one who died for me on the tree
O yes still so patient!
When Lord, just when are you coming for me?
That glorious day, the Son of man I’ll see
Descending in clouds of heaven
Oh what ecstasy, what joy to be in heaven,
Yet still so patient!
Now patience is running out,
Wanting to reach the lost all about
Trembling, knowing the imminent damnation they’re soon to face
But my legs unwilling, I need your grace!
Yet still so patient
Finally, o God, smash and break this stone heart,
Till the point I say to pride, “I want no part”
Bulldoze this suffocating wall of pride that brings trouble
And build up a broken me from the rubble
Here I am Lord, still so patient!
Kenneth Olusanya
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