AWE – /ɔː/
A feeling of great respect for someone or something. Also, a feeling of amazement.
You cannot be in awe of a thing you have not seen, known or heard about. AWE is a basic element of worship. Truly, no one can see God and not be in AWE.
“The breadth, the depth and the height of your worship is determined by your revelation of GOD”
The breadth, depth and height of your worship is determined by your revelation of GOD - @davidnkennor Share on X
I have always wondered what the Angels, the 24 Elders and the Beasts that stand around the throne see of the Father, that make them unable to cease from HIS worship, for all eternity!
It is my prayer that we all come to dwell in a place of ABSOLUTE AWE of the Father, that when we worship we reveal the beauty of HIS glory and thus other men & creatures are drawn to fall before HIM in worship. This is why the word of God is of utmost importance.The Father is revealed to us ONLY by HIS Word.
REF: Revelation 4:6-11
David Nkennor is a seasoned Worship-Leader and Songwriter that combines an electric stage performance with a spirit-filled delivery of Worship.
Website: Twitter: @davidnkennor Instagram: @davidnkennor Facebook: David Nkennor